What is Social Retail and How Can Your Brand Utilize It to Get More Customers Easily?

Social retailing is a new kind of digital marketing strategy. It helps you connect with your target audience, build trust, and increase engagement by using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Social retailing relies heavily on influencer marketing, which means you need to have relationships with people with large followings on these platforms. However, it's much easier than it used to be because many social media management tools allow you to get started quickly without any experience or knowledge of coding.

What is Social Retail?

Social retailing is a new kind of digital marketing strategy that allows you to engage with your target audience on social media platforms. It's not just about sharing content or advertising; it's about building trust and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche. The benefits of social retailing aren't limited to e-commerce stores, either--brands from all industries can benefit from this strategy as long as they tailor their approach based on their audience, goals, and industry norms.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives; people use it for everything from keeping up with friends and family members (71%) to searching for information (64%) or entertainment (43%). And while many businesses have been slow to adopt social media positioning as part of their overall marketing strategy, it's becoming clear that some very real benefits are associated with engaging directly with customers online rather than simply broadcasting messages through one-way channels like television commercials or print ads alone!

How Can Your Brand Utilize It to Get More Customers Easily?

You've got a great product and an even better brand. You're doing everything you can to get the word out about your business, but your efforts aren't paying off as much as you'd hoped. The good news is that there are still plenty of ways for businesses like yours to get exposure on social media channels used by their target audience—and at virtually no cost! Read on tips that will help you get more customers easily using social retailing:

Post at the right time.

When you post on social media, there are certain times that are better for engagement and sales than others. If you know what time of day is best for your audience, then you can use this information to create content that will resonate with them more effectively. You can also use a social media scheduler to post your content effortlessly.

For example, if most of your customers work during business hours but are also active on Instagram after work or on weekends (especially if they live in another country), then posting in the morning may not be ideal because it might go unnoticed by many people. Instead, try posting at lunchtime or around dinner time when people are likely checking their phones, or use a schedule Instagram posts feature to get your content posted at the best time.

Understand your Customers' Expectations.

If you want to use social retail effectively, it's important to understand your customers' expectations. For example, you might think that all consumers have the same criteria when buying products and services, but this isn't true!

Your customers' expectations are going to be different based on their age, gender, and location. On top of that, their preferences will also change over time as they evolve as individuals. Suppose you can figure out these shifting preferences before anyone else does (or even while everyone else is still trying). In that case, this gives you an advantage over other businesses in your industry who haven't caught up yet--and if done right, could lead directly towards increased revenue for yourself!

Use customer data to tailor your messages.

Social media allows you to connect directly with your customers, which means you can use their feedback to improve how you market. For example, if someone leaves a negative comment about your product in response to one of your posts, don't ignore it--use this information as an opportunity for improvement!

Customer data can also be used for more direct marketing purposes. For example, suppose someone has already expressed interest in purchasing something from your store or brand through social media channels (for example, by liking or sharing content). In that case, they are likely interested in hearing more about what else is available from that same company or brand.

By targeting these users with tailored messages highlighting specific products and/or services, retailers can encourage those who have already shown interest in purchasing something from them but haven't made any purchases yet due to lack of time availability, etc.).

Encourage customers to share content on social media.

If you want your social media followers to engage with your brand and share its posts, then you need to give them a good reason to do so. You can do this by creating engaging and relevant content for them. For example, consider offering exclusive discounts or special offers only available through social media sharing if you're selling products. Suppose the customer has already invested time into finding what they want from your business (i.e., searching through product pages). In that case, it makes sense for them not only to buy from you but also recommend others do so as well--and this is where hashtags come into play!

Hashtags allow users on Twitter or Instagram who are searching for specific things, such as "black dress" or "#tbt," will see those posts appear in their feed even if they weren't following the original poster directly before checking out what was being shared online today."

Identify the most common questions that your customers have.

Social media is an excellent way to gauge what people want and need, but you can also get a sense of this by simply looking at your website. If you see many inquiries about one particular product or service, that's a good sign that there's a demand for it in the market (and, therefore, a chance for you to sell more). 

Create a survey and ask your customers what they want from you if you can. You can also use social media to ask people what they're looking for in terms of products and services--this is an excellent way to identify needs that haven't been met yet in your industry. Researching other digital storytelling techniques allows you to understand what has been done before and what has worked well or not.

Develop a Strong Social Media Presence.

Social media is a great way to connect with customers, but it's also important to use social media in a way that helps you develop stronger relationships with them. You should use the platforms you have chosen for your business as much as possible--but don't use them just because everyone else does. Instead, use a social media bulk scheduling feature to get your content to go live on social media with perfect frequency.

  • Use social media to engage with customers and get feedback on what they like about your business, what they don't like, and why they choose to shop with you instead of someone else.
  • Make sure there's a straightforward strategy behind every post or tweet: Are they related? Do they share a similar tone? Are they part of an overarching campaign? The more thought goes into these things beforehand (and then executed consistently), the better chance there is at creating content that resonates with readers/followers/customers and drives results--whether those results are sales, brand awareness, or both!

Use social media to build trust with your customers and prospects.

Social media is a great way to build trust with your customers and prospects. By sharing what you are doing, who you are working with, and how you are improving the business, customers will feel more confident in buying from you. Here are a few tips:

  • Be careful about what information you share on social media. It's important to be transparent about what goes on behind the scenes at your company, but if something isn't going well--like if an order was delayed or a product was defective--don't hide it!
  • Share this information so that people know that mistakes happen and there's nothing wrong with admitting them publicly. This can also help prevent future problems by letting people know what steps have been taken since then (like hiring more employees) or updating processes, so they don't happen again in the future.
  • Don't use social media to promote yourself passively without engaging users in real-life interactions.
  • Use hashtags when appropriate; however, don't overdo it! You want potential buyers to see relevant posts explicitly related to their interests rather than generic ones posted across multiple platforms at once, which may result in low engagement rates.

Adapting a social media scheduler such as RecurPost in your social media strategy can help you generate more engagement. 

Offer free products or services to people who join your Facebook fan page.

Give away samples of your product(s) on social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, in order to build buzz and gain new followers. Use social media to interact with your customers. Build relationships that go beyond a simple transaction. Create contests or giveaways encouraging users to share your posts with friends and followers when possible.

This can help promote your brand while also increasing the number of people who are aware of it. Provide coupons or discount codes so that customers can get an additional discount on purchases at checkout when they purchase through the retailer's website or mobile app (e.g, Target offers 15% off all apparel purchased online).

Have Expert Curated Content for You.

And experts can be a great resource for your brand. They're knowledgeable about the industry, have an established audience, and will likely be able to provide you with content that's more compelling than what you could create on your own. But how do you find them? Here are some tips:

  • Find an expert who understands social media and has experience creating engaging posts (for example, they might be a blogger). This person should also have deep knowledge of their niche. 
  • For example, they could be an influencer who has written books on the topic or worked as a retail manager at several different companies over many years.
  • Look for someone who has experience working with other brands in similar industries (e-commerce or consumer electronics). That way, they'll know what types of posts resonate with consumers like yours.

Be helpful and provide customers with as much information as possible.

The first step to social retail is to be helpful. This means that you should answer questions and provide information on your social media channels as much as possible. You may even want to create an FAQ page for easy access by customers who are having trouble using your products or services or who have general inquiries about them. 

If someone asks a question on Facebook or Twitter, respond within 24 hours at minimum (ideally within minutes). If someone leaves feedback about their experience with one of your employees in person at one of your locations, Share the positive experience publicly so others know what kind of service they can expect when visiting one of those locations too!

How to Choose the Right Social Media Channels for Your Retail Business?

Social media is a powerful tool for any organization, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. The aims of the brand will also impact the social media platforms you should employ. For example, if you want to improve sales by driving visitors to your website, platforms like Instagram and Pinterest may be more beneficial since you may include links to your website in your postings. You should also schedule Google My Business posts to target your local audience with local marketing automation.

The sheer number of social media channels, each with its own audience and purpose, can make choosing which channel is right for your business seem daunting. However, knowing which platforms are most popular with your target consumers will help you decide on the best channel(s) to use in order to reach them. Below we'll discuss some of the most popular social media channels and why they're effective ways of connecting with consumers online.


Facebook is the most popular social media platform, with over 2 billion users. So if you have a retail business, it's a good place to connect with your audience and find new customers. You can create a Facebook page or post your content using features like schedule Facebook posts for your business in just a few minutes. On this page, post updates about what's happening at your store or shop--such as new product launches or sales events--and engage with followers by responding to comments or questions that they leave on posts.

You can also use it as an opportunity for customer service: if someone has an issue with something they bought from you (or even if they didn't), reach out directly through Facebook Messenger or Facebook touch so that both sides know what happened right away rather than having back-and-forth emails in which each person may not fully understand what was said before them or why they need clarification before proceeding further down this path toward resolution!

If there are products specific only to those located near certain cities/towns, then make sure those areas are included within these demographics because otherwise, people might think, "this isn't relevant anymore" when really there might be nothing wrong with their advertising methods at all; instead perhaps try targeting specific groups such as millennials who tend towards buying more environmentally friendly products than previous generations did when young adults were growing up during different economic times."


Instagram is a great place to share photos and videos. It's also a visual platform, so you can use it to show off your products in action or even just the way they look on their own. In addition, you can use Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes footage from events or interviews with customers--or just post images of your brand story in general. As well as, many people try to use the trendiest things that are used by so many people, i.e., what does NFS mean on Instagram, and when to use it? 

Instagram's algorithm determines what people see in their feeds based on who they follow and what posts they like (or don't). Because of this algorithm, it's important that you're following other accounts that are relevant to your target audience--and engaging with them regularly so they'll notice when you post something new!


Twitter is great for connecting with your customers, getting customer feedback, and engaging in two-way conversations. You can also use schedule tweets as an effective tool for customer service. 

Using Twitter for customer service complaints or questions is a good way to handle issues quickly and efficiently, which will hopefully lead to fewer negative reviews on social media sites like Facebook or Yelp.


Pinterest is a visual medium, so it's no surprise that users are more likely to engage with images than they are with text. So if you have products that can be easily photographed and pinned, then Pinterest is a great place for promoting them. You can use the Pinterest scheduler to get higher engagement.

Pinterest users tend to be female (70%) but skew young (55% aged 18-34). This means that if you're selling products aimed at younger women--such as fashion items or accessories--then Pinterest may be worth considering as part of your social media strategy.


Snapchat is a great way to engage with your audience, especially if you want to show off behind-the-scenes content. It's also a great tool for customer service and can be used as an effective marketing channel as well.

  • Showing behind-the-scenes videos
  • Sharing product videos and tutorials


LinkedIn is the best social media channel for B2B businesses. You can gain higher reach if you use the schedule LinkedIn posts with a scheduling tool. It's a great place to connect with other professionals in your industry, share your expertise, and build your personal brand. You can also use LinkedIn to share industry news and events with the people who follow you or are interested in what you have to say.

  • Connecting with other professionals: LinkedIn allows users to connect with others based on their work history, educational background, and more. This makes it easy for businesses looking for new employees or contractors as well as individuals looking for jobs within different industries!
  • Sharing expertise: If there's something specific about your industry that you know all about (like how certain products work), then why not start sharing it? Not only will this help people learn more about what goes into making certain products, but it will also make them respect how knowledgeable they are when talking about their own fields of study/work experience too!

By considering these variables, you may select the social media outlets that will be most productive for your organization. RecurPost reviews strongly suggest that it is amongst the best buffer alternatives and free Hootsuite alternatives, allowing users to manage social presence across all major networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google My Business, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Social retailing is not a fad. Instead, it is a new way of thinking about how you can use social media to reach your target audience and engage with them in real-time. This strategy has many benefits, including helping you build trust with your customers and increase sales. If you're interested in learning more about social retailing or want help implementing this strategy into your business, contact us today!

Read More: 11 Social Retail Tips for E-Commerce to Win More Customers (https://recurpost.com/blog/social-retail-tips-for-ecommerce/)

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  9. How To Auto Tweet on Twitter: All-in-One Guide For Everyone
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Without a doubt, everyone working in the digital marketing sector is searching for the greatest alternatives. Whether they work for a marketing agency, small-business owners, freelancers, or corporate teams doesn't matter. People are constantly looking for the greatest goods or services out there.

In order to manage everything from one spot and prevent any seeming chaos, marketers require social media management tools.

It is crucial to understand that social media schedulers aren't always judged by their costs. On the other hand, there are a lot of other important aspects to talk about, such as the tool's functionality, design, features, or variety. We'll go through some of the best Buffer alternatives in this post.

Table of Content for Buffer Alternatives:

  1. RecurPost
  2. Hootsuite
  3. Sendible
  4. CoSchedule
  5. Tailwind
  6. Everypost
  7. Postfity
  8. SocialPilot
  9. Sprout Social
  10. Post Planner
  11. eClincher

11 Buffer Alternatives for Social Media Automation in 2023

There are several additional social media management tools available as Buffer alternatives. These Buffer alternatives are great since they offer almost identical functionality and support for a variety of social media platforms. Let's examine a few of these Buffer options:


For start-ups, business owners, and digital marketing firms with repeated schedules, RecurPost is the finest social media management solution. It offers the greatest content curation and classification tools, saving time on administrative tasks and increasing engagement.

RecurPost has a number of features that set it apart, including a Social Inbox, AI-based best time to post recommendations, and white-label report generation. As a result, RecurPost is the ideal social media scheduler for comprehensive statistics and user-friendly features. The following are some of the main functions that RecurPost offers:

  • RecurPost allows posting on all the worldwide popular platforms. You can schedule Facebook posts on Facebook personal profiles, business pages, and groups, schedule Instagram posts on Instagram personal and business profiles, and schedule LinkedIn posts on personal profiles and company pages easily. 
  • You may group and categorize data using RecurPost to create well-organized libraries for reuse. It places RecurPost among the top Buffer alternatives.
  • RecurPost assists you in finding pertinent web material using Google Alerts. Businesses can schedule Google Business Profile posts to promote their brand on Google and rank for local searches.
  • You may copy material from other websites and post it to your social networking accounts with the RecurPost browser extension.
  • If you have a GMB listing, RecurPost lets you schedule Google my business posts with the CTA of your choice.
  • The social inbox of RecurPost collects fresh information from several social media profiles. You may view the comments, likes, and shares by switching to accounts. You can also respond to comments and, if necessary, delete them. You can manage everything with RecurPost from a single dashboard.
  • With RecurPost, you can easily schedule pins to attract users. You can create variations of Twitter posts, allowing users to schedule tweets with the same content multiple times against its policy.
  • RecurPost allows you to upload data in bulk to store in a CSV file using social media bulk scheduling.
  • You can create white-label reports with your logo to share them with clients.

Pricing: RecurPost offers a 14-day free trial, and the pricing plan for both tools starts at $15 per month & Buffer has additional channels charged for $5/month. But RecurPost offers more features than Buffer, making it the best Buffer alternative.


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that allows users to schedule posts across multiple social media channels & is among the best buffer alternatives. It's free and available on desktop and mobile (iOS, Android). The best thing about Hootsuite is the ability to schedule facebook posts in advance with other social media platforms too  and then have them sent out at specific times. This makes it an excellent tool for businesses with multiple employees or those who want to automate social media posting. The platform also has a built-in analytics dashboard that allows businesses to monitor engagement and performance metrics. Hootsuite is easy to use, and the interface is intuitive. The only downside is that it's not accessible for every business—some have to pay a monthly fee. Hootsuite offers different pricing options depending on how many social media accounts you manage.

Pricing: Hootsuite has a free version, but it has limitations on the number of social media profiles and messages that can be scheduled. You can upgrade to a more robust plan for $9 per month if you need more features. Hootsuite Pro, which starts at $5 per month, adds additional features such as team collaboration tools, advanced scheduling capabilities, and access to all third-party apps in the Hootsuite App Directory. 

RecurPost is the best choice of free Hootsuite alternatives for offering easy-to-use and value-for-money features, analytics, and white-label reports.


Sendible is a social media management tool that helps you to manage multiple social media accounts. It has a simple interface and is easy to set up and start using. It also offers a free trial period, so you can try it out before making any commitments. Sendible can help you schedule LinkedIn posts with other social media platforms also such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. You can also use it to create custom reports and analyze the results of your social media campaigns. Sendible has a built-in browser that lets you view all of your social media accounts in one place. In addition, it integrates with popular tools such as Google Analytics and Salesforce so that you can easily track how well your efforts are paying off.

Pricing: If you're looking for an affordable paid plan, Sendible is one of the more affordable tools in this list of Buffer alternatives with plans starting at $19 per month (but they offer special pricing if you pay annually). They provide many features that make it very useful: You can schedule posts, moderate comments and replies, monitor your social media accounts, track analytics—and much more! This makes Sendible a great tool for managing multiple social media accounts and growing your following.


CoSchedule is a social media calendar that allows you to plan, publish and analyze content for multiple social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and more. 

It also has a content planner that allows you to create and schedule blog posts, infographics, and videos. As a result, it’s an excellent tool for managing social media campaigns and scheduling posts in advance. You can also use it to create reports on each campaign's performance, making it easier to determine which ones work best. 

CoSchedule has a built-in editorial calendar that allows you to plan your content making it the best buffer alternatives. For example, you can create campaigns and assign tasks such as creating an image or video to team members. CoSchedule also lets you schedule and promote your blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. CoSchedule is considered to be the best Pinterest scheduler.

CoSchedule has powerful analytics tools that allow you to see which of your posts are performing best and which social media sites are generating the most traffic. You can also create reports on each campaign's performance and determine what works best for your business.

Pricing: Before upgrading to the subscription plan, both products provide a free trial and a free version of the programme. Buffer's subscription plan starts at $15 per month, whereas CoSchedule's paid plan starts at $29 per user per month.


A social media management and analytics tool called Tailwind is used to schedule Instagram posts with other social media platforms and track results on Pinterest and Instagram. Additionally, Tailwind supports team collaboration. It enables marketers to conduct fruitful social media campaigns that help their companies expand and meet their marketing objectives. 

Key Feature

  • Content management
  • Post scheduling
  • Social media monitoring
  • Reporting and Analytics

Pricing: Both Buffer and Tailwind provide a free version and a free trial. The Tailwind paid plan's monthly entry price is $19.99.


Everypost is undoubtedly a stringent social media management tool and is one of the Buffer alternatives. In-house material may be scheduled, or you can arrange your content while on the road. Although it supports social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, analytics and monitoring tools still need to be included. Best suited for freelancers and small enterprises who try to schedule tweets using Everypost. The free version only offers a few features, and using more functions will cost money.

Key Features

  • Content management
  • Customer segmentation
  • Post scheduling
  • Automated publishing
  • Multiple-account management
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Keyword filtering

Pricing: Both Everypost and Buffer have free versions and free trials available. Unlike premium services, Everypost has a monthly cost of just $2.99.


Our next recommendation for Buffer alternatives is Postfity. Users may publish on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter with this additional social media management tool. Up to 10 postings, or more, can be scheduled. One drawback of Postfity, one of the greatest tools for small-scale use, is that it doesn't display a preview of your post.

Pricing: Buffer is rather pricey at $15 per month, whereas Postfity's pricing plan starts at $8.33 per year.


Social Pilot is a social media management tool that offers free and paid options to help you schedule your posts, create lists, monitor your accounts, and more & is among the best buffer alternatives. The tool integrates with multiple platforms and comes equipped with features like a keyword research tool, hashtag suggestions, and analytics. The free version of the tool allows you to manage up to three social media accounts and includes unlimited posts, keyword research, hashtag suggestions, and analytics. The paid version of the tool allows you to manage up to 10 social media accounts and includes unlimited posts, keyword research, hashtag suggestions, analytics, and more. The tool is compatible with all modern browsers, including Safari on macOS or Windows 10 Edge browser (Windows only).

Pricing: Social Pilot's paid plans start at $99 per month (the Professional plan), which includes all the features described above and advanced analytics tools like post-by-post data reports and insights into trends across networks. The free trial allows you to test out its functionality for two weeks before committing to any service or subscription fees.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management tool that businesses and individuals can use. It has a free version, but the paid version offers more features, including better insights and analytics. The app lets you post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google+ simultaneously—so you can get your message out quickly without having to log into each platform individually! 

Sprout Social also has a social media scheduler & calendar that allows you to plan out your posts ahead of time and then schedule them for later. This is great if you have multiple social media managers who need to work in sync with each other.

The Chrome extension lets you schedule posts from any website with an RSS feed (like this one!), and it has a built-in link shortener, which is handy if you want to post links on Twitter or Instagram & is among the best buffer alternatives. The app also lets you track your social media performance and see how many people are engaging with your content—which can help inform your strategy moving forward.

Pricing: Buffer starts at $15 per month, whereas Sprout Social pricing is $249 per month.

Post Planner

Post Planner is a social media scheduling tool that makes creating, curating, and publishing content easy. It's designed to help you get more out of your social media efforts by helping you create meaningful relationships with your audience. Post Planner allows you to schedule your posts and track the performance of each post. It's also an excellent tool for creating a content calendar to ensure that your social media strategy aligns with your overall marketing goals.

Post Planner is an excellent tool for businesses needing to schedule multiple social media posts. It allows you to create a content calendar easily and schedule posts ahead of time to get more out of your social media efforts. The platform also makes it easy to track the performance of each post so that you can improve over time.

Pricing: Post Planner has a free trial, so you can try it out before committing to the monthly subscription fee.


A few of the numerous high-end capabilities that eClincher offers include keyword filtering, competition analysis, and customer segmentation. In addition, automate blogs, reuse timeless material, and get valuable statistics all from a simple interface.

The strain of content creation is lessened with eClicher. To curate material and store feeds to your dashboard, utilize keywords. In addition, you may manage and save creative assets by linking your Google Drive and/or Dropbox accounts.

Pricing: There is no free version of eClincher available. Its entry-level package is $59 a month.


Buffer is a superb tool for managing social media; however, it lacks several crucial functions such as social media bulk scheduling which are provided by many social media scheduling tools. It becomes cumbersome to get into each individual account and respond to user comments while maintaining many social media profiles. RecurPost, the most popular tool among Buffer competitors, assists with this by giving users access to a Social Inbox where they can get the most recent information from all channels.

When is the best time to post on Reddit (and worst!) in 2022?

Reddit is a site for discussing, rating web content, and aggregating social news. Users submit various content pieces on Reddit, like images, links, text posts that are voted either up or down by the members on the platform. It is the fourth more visited site in the US after Google, Facebook, and YouTube. 

To gain maximum benefit from the platform, you must know the best time to post on Reddit. Keeping track of this time will help post content at the ideal time on the platform and help gain good traffic for your website.

The best time to post on Reddit by day

All the timings listed below are as per the US central time.

  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Monday: 6 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Tuesday: 6 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Wednesday: 6 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Thursday: 4 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Friday: 4 AM to 10 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Saturday: 12 AM to 2 AM and 6 AM to 4 PM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Sunday: 6 AM to 10 AM 

The overall best time to post on Reddit

As opposed to other major social media platforms, Reddit stays the most active during weekends. Americans prefer to scroll through the site, upvote, and comment on others’ content on Saturdays and Sundays. They are also logged in to their accounts during the workweek and might have a quick look every now and then, but don’t have the leisure to spend more time interacting with others. 

Also, posting during the early morning hours ensures that people get enough time during the day to engage with your content. Thus, the overall best time to post on Reddit falls on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays from 7-9 AM, 8-12 PM, and 6-8 AM respectively.

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  7. Best Time To Post on social media

What are Reddit’s peak hours?

The peak hours to post on Reddit are between 7 AM and 10 AM. You will reach maximum people and generate massive engagement because most people are active during these hours. Hence, whether you’re a marketer who wants to experiment with content or a creator aiming to build a fanbase, you must post at this peak period.

When is Reddit most active?

You can count on weekends and morning hours because on weekdays, Reddit activity fades. You can sense some activity level during the weekdays too, but they are quite limited. However, if you want to post on weekdays, you can try uploading in the early morning hours from 6 AM to 8 AM, so that people can engage with your post when they log in during the day.

Which are the most active subreddits?

The most active subreddits are:

  • r/AskReddit: It is made for people to ask some thought-provoking questions.
  • r/Science: This subreddit is dedicated to sharing scientific research topics and discussing the latest advancement in science.
  • r/Funny: You will find trending memes and funny videos in this subreddit.
  • r/Gaming: You will find everything related to gaming on this subreddit, including board games, card games, and video games but not sports.
  • r/Movies: Any information related to films is available here.
  • r/Television: It is the all-encompassing subreddit community for TV shows, TV series, mini-series, TV streaming platforms, and more.
  • r/Gadgets: This is a news aggregation subreddit for all things related to electronic gadgets.

If you are a business who wishes to maintain a presence on multiple social media platforms, you need to continuously post across all of them, that too at their individual best times to post. This requires a lot of planning and research, which ends up consuming a lot of your time. This is when a social media scheduling tool can help save time and effort.

If you hold accounts on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and GMB; you can use RecurPost to manage them. The articles that you post on Reddit can be cross-promoted to these platforms through RecurPost. 

The best feature you get using this tool is ‘Auto-schedule for best time.’ When you select this feature while scheduling posts, RecurPost will automatically schedule your posts for the best times depending on your previous engagement patterns. It is one of the best alternatives to tools like HootSuite as it offers robust features like bulk scheduling, advanced analytics, canva integration, CSV support, white-label reports, URL shortener, hashtag storage, and much more.

RecurPost’s pricing is also the most competitive as compared to other similar tools. Checkout the features on your own by taking the 14-day trial.

In What Ways RecurPost Will Help You With the Best Time To Post On 6 Social Media Platforms?

Why should you opt for automated facebook posting? Well, if you are a brand that wishes to make a presence on Linkedin with bulk scheduling social media and want people to share your posts more, then you need to be consistent and post frequently on your profile, pages, as well as groups. 

Now maintaining this frequency along with other social media platforms can be difficult and that’s when social media scheduling tools help. They let you schedule posts in advance that too in bulk. 

For the best scheduling experience, you can use  Free Linkedin Post Scheduler that lets you manage personal profiles and  pages; so that you don’t have to switch tabs every now and then. 

RecurPost is one such social media scheduler that lets you post to multiple social media at once from a single dashboard. You can upload content in bulk through CSV files, by importing from social accounts or other websites (RSS feeds). RecurPost’s libraries allow you to create a dedicated space for the content of each Facebook account separately. This further keeps your social media calendar organized and lets you easily differentiate the content that will go out on FB profiles, pages, or groups.

Another helpful feature offered is the ability to schedule posts for the best time to post on linkedin. This feature will let you post the right content at the right time on your FB accounts. Simply select the option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’ while scheduling a post. RecurPost will then study the engagement received on your previous posts and automatically schedule your content for the best time. 

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of Free HootSuite alternatives

Along with scheduling linkedin posts  for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Free Facebook post scheduler, Instagram post scheduler, tweet scheduler, pinterest scheduler and Google My Business post scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool and one of the best buffer competitors and sites like hootsuite  that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.

If you are looking for free buffer alternatives, later alternatives, meetedgar alternatives

,smarterqueue alternatives, Planoly Alternatives, socialbakers alternatives, post planner alternatives, tailwind alternatives and facebook creator studio alternatives then RecurPost is the best solution for your social media content marketing strategy.

You can take the 14-day trial and experience putting your FB on autopilot!


In the end, we would like to say that LinkedIn content marketing is spreading rapidly, and you must utilize this platform to your advantage. You can quickly start doing so by social media scheduling tools such as RecurPost. RecurPost will help spread the word about your promotion and will be a one-stop solution for your answers to how to add promotion on LinkedIn. 

From understanding the best time to post on LinkedIn to LinkedIn for b2b marketing strategy- we will make it all easier for you! Also, we hope you got your answers for how to add promotion on LinkedIn. If you still have any doubts, let us know in the comment section! 

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you schedule a post on facebook, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, schedule pins , schedule google my business posts and is the best alternative to hootsuite for your social media brand promotion. To Know more about recurpost pricing, Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/how-to-add-promotion-on-linkedin/

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How To Add Promotion On LinkedIn To Notify Your Network? 

Social media platforms such as LinkedIn play nothing but an advanced role today. Every day and night, you get to witness your connections showcasing their promotion and new jobs on this particular platform. Undoubtedly, it further makes you question- how to add promotion on LinkedIn? Guess what? We are here to help you understand the same today! 

How To Add Promotion On The LinkedIn Website? 

LinkedIn content marketing is touching new heights currently. Hence, it is turning out to become a valuable business platform. If you got promoted and are looking for ways to tell your connections about the same via LinkedIn, follow the below-mentioned steps- 

  1. Search for the LinkedIn website on your web, log in if you are already not logged in. 
  2. Now click the "me" icon. If you fail to find it, look in the top-right corner of your computer screen. 
  3. The third step is to click on the option "view profile."
  4. Gradually move your cursor now to the Experience section and click on the plus sign (+)
  5. It is time you fill in all the information required and ask about your promotion or a new job. 
  6. Once you get done with it, you will see an option that states notify your network. It is not mandatory, but numerous people post on LinkedIn to enhance their CV and notify their network; if you have the same reason go with the option.
  7. The "Share with network" option will notify all your networks regarding your promotion or a new job. 
  8. So, without any further ado, click "save" before you move ahead. 

For the ones utilizing LinkedIn to add promotion, continue reading to get the hang of it. 

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  7. Best Time To Post on Reddit

How To Add A Promotion On The LinkedIn Mobile App?

The process of how to add promotion on LinkedIn almost stays similar with web or mobile. Still, we will give you a detailed description. Follow the below-mentioned steps! 

  1. Open the LinkedIn app and log in to your LinkedIn account if it isn't logged in already. 
  2. Click on the profile picture and select view profile. 
  3. Scroll down, and you will then see the "experience" section and click on the plus icon. 
  4. Make sure that you add all the details of your organization precisely. 
  5. After that comes the time where you make the changes to reflect your promotion or new job title. 
  6. Once you get done with this, click on "save" and move on. 

How To Add Promotion In The Same Company On LinkedIn? 

If you recently got promoted at your current job and wish to add a promotion on LinkedIn, follow the below stated points. 

  1. Start with opening LinkedIn. Then log in, if you haven't already. 
  2. Click on the "me" icon and click the view profile further. 
  3. Now take the cursor on the job you want to edit. 
  4. You will get to see a pencil icon there. Just click on it and add every detail that you want to add and get changed. 
  5. Click on "update my industry" and "update my headline boxes." 
  6. If you wish to alert your network about your promotion, toggle on the "share with network" choice! 
  7. Later touch on the "save" option to get it all to fix. 

How To Add Promotion On LinkedIn Creatively? 

It is hard to believe, but yes, it is possible to add promotion on LinkedIn creatively. Following are some of the ways- 

  1. RecurPost will help you create a post expressing your promotion with the desired caption, links, images, videos, and editable option in Canva. You will start quickly, and your connection will spot your post when they scroll through their LinkedIn feed. 
  2. You can always write a short article showcasing your journey in the last organization and about this promotion. 
  3. RecurPost will tell you the best time and post your promotion accordingly. 

In What Ways RecurPost Will Help You With the Best Time To Post On LinkedIn?

Why should you opt for automated linkedin posting? Well, if you are a brand that wishes to make a presence on Facebook and want people to share your posts more, then you need to be consistent and post frequently on your profile, pages, as well as groups. 

Now maintaining this frequency along with other social media platforms can be difficult and that’s when social media scheduling tools help. They let you schedule posts in advance that too in bulk. 

For the best scheduling experience, you can use  Free Linkedin Post Scheduler that lets you manage personal profiles and  pages; so that you don’t have to switch tabs every now and then. 

RecurPost is one such social media scheduler that lets you post to multiple social media at once from a single dashboard. You can upload content in bulk through CSV files, by importing from social accounts or other websites (RSS feeds). RecurPost’s libraries allow you to create a dedicated space for the content of each Facebook account separately. This further keeps your social media calendar organized and lets you easily differentiate the content that will go out on FB profiles, pages, or groups.

Another helpful feature offered is the ability to schedule posts for the best time to post on linkedin. This feature will let you post the right content at the right time on your FB accounts. Simply select the option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’ while scheduling a post. RecurPost will then study the engagement received on your previous posts and automatically schedule your content for the best time. 

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of Free HootSuite alternatives

Along with scheduling linkedin posts  for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Free Facebook post scheduler, Instagram post scheduler, tweet scheduler, pinterest scheduler and Google My Business post scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool and one of best hootsuite competitors that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.

You can take the 14-day trial and experience putting your FB on autopilot!


In the end, we would like to say that LinkedIn content marketing is spreading rapidly, and you must utilize this platform to your advantage. You can quickly start doing so by social media scheduling tools such as RecurPost. RecurPost will help spread the word about your promotion and will be a one-stop solution for your answers to how to add promotion on LinkedIn. 

From understanding the best time to post on LinkedIn to LinkedIn for b2b marketing strategy- we will make it all easier for you! Also, we hope you got your answers for how to add promotion on LinkedIn. If you still have any doubts, let us know in the comment section! 

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you schedule a post on facebook, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, schedule pins , schedule google my business posts and is the best alternative to hootsuite for your social media brand promotion. To Know more about recurpost pricing, Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/how-to-add-promotion-on-linkedin/

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How To Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Complete Guide

Facebook is the biggest social media marketing platform where ideas are shared, brands are followers, and innovations are shown to the entire world. Brands are always trying to get their messages out to a wider audience that goes beyond their friends and existing followers, but not everyone knows how to do that. 

In this blog, we’ll show you how to make your post shareable on facebook so that anybody who likes your post can easily share it with their circle. This option should be active especially when you are a business having FB as a part of your social media marketing strategy. 

How to make a post shareable on Facebook

There are two ways to make your Facebook posts shareable. You could either create a new post that’s shareable by anyone or retroactively make an existing post shareable. First, let’s see how you can make a new post shareable. 

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  7. Best Time To Post on Reddit

  • On your Facebook Home page, click on the ‘What’s on your mind?’

  • Under your Facebook profile name, there’s a security button that you can click on.

  • Click on it and you’ll see a list of options to change the post’s sharing settings. Change this to ‘Public’. Now the post can be shared by anyone on or off of the Facebook site.

How to make a post shareable on Facebook after posting

  • Go to your post history and find the post that you want to share.
  • Click on the little globe icon beneath your profile name, right beside the date of the post.
  • The menu of the security settings will appear. Choose the appropriate settings that you want from the list. 
  • Once you’ve selected your choice, the change will be applied to your post and the people who have permission will be able to share it.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Without Making it Public

You can designate specific friends, a group, or all friends except specific people if you wish to share a post but not make it public. Do remember though that if you post a message on someone else’s wall, that person will have the ability to determine who gets to share that post.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on Android

Facebook can be accessed on Android either by the web app or the mobile app. Refer to the instructions for each as given above.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on iPhone

The Facebook mobile app isn’t platform dependent. What applies to the Android version also applies to iPhones.

How to Share a Facebook Post Outside of Facebook

If you wish to share Facebook posts outside of Facebook, do the following:

Click on the date of the post that you wish to share.

Copy the URL as indicated on the address box.

Share the link outside Facebook

How to schedule Facebook posts

Why should you opt for automated facebook posting? Well, if you are a brand that wishes to make a presence on Facebook and want people to share your posts more, then you need to be consistent and post frequently on your profile, pages, as well as groups. 

Now maintaining this frequency along with other social media platforms can be difficult and that’s when social media scheduling tools help. They let you schedule posts in advance that too in bulk. 

For the best scheduling experience, you can use  Free Facebook Post Scheduler that lets you manage personal profiles, pages, as well as groups; so that you don’t have to switch tabs every now and then. 

RecurPost is one such social media scheduler that lets you post to multiple social media at once from a single dashboard. You can upload content in bulk through CSV files, by importing from social accounts or other websites (RSS feeds). RecurPost’s libraries allow you to create a dedicated space for the content of each Facebook account separately. This further keeps your social media calendar organized and lets you easily differentiate the content that will go out on FB profiles, pages, or groups.

Another helpful feature offered is the ability to schedule posts for the best time to post on Facebook. This feature will let you post the right content at the right time on your FB accounts. Simply select the option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’ while scheduling a post. RecurPost will then study the engagement received on your previous posts and automatically schedule your content for the best time. 

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of Free HootSuite alternatives

Along with scheduling posts on Facebook for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Instagram post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, pinterest scheduler and Google My Business post scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.

You can take the 14-day trial and experience putting your FB on autopilot!


This was everything you needed to know about how to make a post shareable on facebook in different settings. You can play with the post as you like. But always be sure to stay in tune with the conversations that go around in the group.

You can always take the help of a social media scheduler to ease things out on your Facebook group in terms of content posting. You will be able to manage all your posts seamlessly and even automate them.

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you automated facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, schedule pins , schedule google my business posts and is the best alternative to hootsuite for your social media brand promotion. To Know more about recurpost pricing, Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/how-to-make-a-post-shareable-on-facebook/

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Whether you are looking to find out potential customers or provide service to the existing ones, whether you want to keep a track of your competitors or search for your brand mentions - you can do everything using the Twitter Advanced Search tool.

As a social media platform, Twitter is full of opportunities to generate leads. You can interact with your followers and turn them into customers very effectively. 

To go to the analytics dashboard directly, enter “twitter.com/search-advanced” in the browser. Alternatively, you can do a random search on the Twitter search bar and then click on ‘Advanced Search’, which is at the end of the Search filter box on the left-hand side of the screen.

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  2. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  7. Best Time To Post on Social Media

What is in the advanced search tool?

Twitter advanced search tool box contains the following parameters:

Includes ‘all of these words’

Whatever words you enter in this field, Twitter will search for them in combination. For example, if you search for “Coronavirus cases in India”, it will show you tweets that contain all of these words, irrespective of the order.

Includes this exact phrase

When you want to search for words in exact order, such as quotes or complete names, you can do that here. For example, you can search for “Time and tide waits for none”, and you will see the tweets that contain this phrase, with words in the exact order.

Includes any of these words

When you use this field, it separates every word you enter with ‘OR’, and then undertakes the search query. So, when you have a lot of words or synonyms to search for, you can use this. 

For instance, you can write the name of a band, its custom hashtag, Twitter handle, etc. to find out the tweets where the brand terms are mentioned.

Includes ‘none of these words’

This parameter is helpful when you want to eliminate certain keywords from the search results. For example, if you see tweets containing reviews for “Samsung Galaxy S10”, but you do not want to see the paid ads, you can write ‘Samsung Galaxy S10 review’ in the ‘all of these words’ box, and ‘Paid ads’ in the ‘none of these words’ field.

Includes these hashtags

Filter the search results on the basis of hashtags that people have used in their tweets. This can be done when you want to follow a particular opinion or trend, say, for instance, #MotivationalMonday or #ThrowbackThursday.


There is an entire list of 42 languages from which you can choose. English, French, Hindi, Spanish, Dutch, etc. - every popular language is included in the options. It is great when you want to find out regional or cultural tweets.

Tweets ‘from these accounts’

This parameter can be used when you want to see tweets made from a particular account. Just add the twitter handle of that account in this field and you’ll get the list of tweets made by that account and also where that account is mentioned. It can be helpful when you want to see tweets made by your competitors together.

Tweets sent in reply ‘to these accounts’

This will show all the tweets made in replies to the tweets of a particular account. For example, say that you want to see what people are replying to the tweets of your competitors. Just mention the Twitter username here and you’ll see the results.

Tweets mentioning these accounts

When you wish to see the tweets where a particular account is mentioned or tagged, you can do that here. Generally, ‘from these accounts’, ‘to these accounts’, and ‘mentioning these accounts’ are all used together for conducting an in-depth competitor analysis.

Replies and links

When you are conducting any search and do not wish to see replies made on the tweets, you can change the settings here. Also, you can choose to see tweets with or without links.

Levels of engagement 

This is the field where you can choose to see the tweets on the basis of particular levels of engagement. You can choose the number of minimum likes, minimum replies, and minimum retweets.


Here, you can set the date range from which you wish to see the tweets. It can be helpful when you want to see the tweets related to any particular event in the past. Also, it can be used to filter out old tweets and focus on the fresh ones.

Looking To Schedule Your GMB Posts in Advanced Planning ?

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduler tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of the best HootSuite alternatives. 

Along with Facebook Post Scheduler  for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Instagram post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, and Google My Business posts scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.

To sum up,

By using the proper combination of all these parameters of Twitter Advanced Search, you can find a lot of relevant information for your brand. You can find your potential customers, target them, and generate genuine leads.

Schedule your tweets using RecurPost’s social media scheduler and obtain leads that turn into conversions for your business. It is one of the best alternatives to HootSuite  and other popular social media scheduling tools.

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you automated posting to facebook, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  schedule google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/twitter-advanced-search-101/

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7 Eye-opening Strategies For local online marketing Improvements

Local online marketing, also known as location-based marketing, is the process of optimizing your website and online advertising to help drive foot traffic and awareness in localized regions. When you run a business that gets the majority of its customers from the local region (75-mile radius), you have to attract prospects who are close enough to literally walk into your shop or close enough for you to visit to provide service. 

Local online marketing enables businesses to promote their products and services to potential customers who live in a certain city or ZIP code. Below are 7 strategies that you can use to improve your local online marketing.

  • Create and optimize your GMB listing

Your Google my business listing is the main player in the local online marketing game. You need to create and verify Google my business listing first.

Your free Google business listing contains everything a consumer needs in order to make a decision about and even engage with your business. In your listing, you need to optimize these details: Name of the business, contact number, complete address, operating hours, business description, and product pictures.

  • Work on local SEO

Organic SEO can be a significant investment that takes months or even years to pay off, but the benefits are immense.  Working on local SEO is becoming more and more important, as search engines like Google refine their technologies to deliver more relevant results to searchers. 

  • Promote on social media

Be active and consistently post on all major social media platforms. To streamline the posting frequency, you can use a social media scheduling tool that lets you schedule posts to multiple social media at once.

Using it, you can make sure that along with your GMB listing, all your other social profiles also stay active. It lets you cross-promote your content which helps in diverting traffic to your website from multiple sites.

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  • Gather positive reviews and testimonials

Potential customers are always going to have a look at the reviews people have left on your GMB listing. If your business shows up in a directory and there are no reviews, they are likely to turn to a competitor who has reviews. 

Thus, approach your existing customers politely and ask them to leave feedback on your listing. If someone leaves a negative review, approach them and solve their issues to convert the review into a positive one.

  • Post regularly on GMB

Posting regularly on GMB can bring you a lot of organic traffic. You can ideally post 2-3 times a week to get better results. If you find it difficult to share posts frequently, you can take the help of a Google my business post scheduler.

A very few tools offer this feature, and RecurPost is one of them, using which you can easily create a month’s content in a single go. It lets you schedule Google my business posts in bulk and also add a call to action while scheduling a post.  You can post numerous types of posts on GMB. See the Google my Business post image size guide here.

  • Run targeted ads

To reach people in your area, you can run targeted ads on Google as well as social media platforms. These ads will help you appear in front of those people who are actively looking for a business like yours to deal with.

These ads help drive both online and offline traffic. The two major benefits that your business will receive include improved brand awareness and brand recognition, which ultimately leads to generating more leads

  • Collaborate with local influencers

Find out influencers that belong to your industry and live in your city or somewhere nearby. Collaborate with them to promote your products or services. This will help you raise brand awareness in a very short duration. Along with increasing your followers on social media, it will help you generate a plethora of leads and sales.

Looking To Schedule YourGMB Posts in Advanced Planning ?

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduler tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of the best HootSuite alternatives. 

Along with Facebook Post Scheduler  for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Instagram post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, and Google My Business post scheduler. 

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.

To sum up,

Working on your local online marketing can help you gain more customers both online and offline. Simply follow the above-mentioned tips and you will see an increase in your traffic. Schedule your GMB posts using RecurPost’s social media scheduler and obtain leads that turn into conversions for your business. It is one of the best alternatives to HootSuite  and other popular social media scheduling tools.

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you automatic facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  schedule google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/local-online-marketing/

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How To Change Group Name on Facebook 
The number of people that use Facebook groups is astonishing and keeps rising by the day. The social media giant has already got the biggest user base in the market and owing to its features like Facebook groups or live videos, the engagement of users with the platform keeps growing.

You can know everything about managing Facebook groups and yet miss out a very simple thing that is, how to change group name on Facebook. If you want to edit your Facebook group name, you can do it via your mobile device or your computer. 

Before we go to how to change group name of Facebook, you must know that in order to be able to make a change in name, you should be the administrator or creator of the group. You can also ask the creator to add you as an admin. Changing the group name is allowed till the group reaches 5000 members. Over that, you will not be able to make any changes as per Facebook’s policies.
Why would you want to modify the title of your Facebook group?


  1. The most common reason someone might want to change the name of a group is that it still has its original URL. This is typically that case with a new group. You’ll want people to be able to find your group with a simple search because people search for topics in social media and not long specific URLs. like what you see below.


In this case, you’ll only have to wait 28 days.


Note: While a Facebook page may be a place where content is distributed out to followers, a Facebook group is meant to more of a community where conversations happen more freely.


2 – The culture of your audience has created a different focus. 

It’s no longer a new Facebook group, so as time goes on and your audience grows, you may find that its focus has changed as well.

Over time, people talk about the same topics over and over. These discussions and content may not match up with the conversations going on in your group page. 

What they’re talking about might be an even better focus than what you originally intended. If it makes sense, you should consider it. 

Note: A new cover photo that better represents your group might be appropriate at this point. 

Look at the studies for BEST TIME posting on Social Media Platforms:

  1. Best Time To Post on Facebook
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter
  3. Best Time To Post on Instagram
  4. Best Time To Post on Linkedin
  5. Best Time To Post on TikTok
  6. Worst Time To Post on Instagram

Who can modify the name of a Facebook group name?

Only administrators can modify data settings. The creator of a page is automatically made an administrator and can appoint other users as administrators. Make sure the group administrator has added your Facebook account to the admins group. The creator can revoke your administrator status at any time, so make sure you have their approval before making this change.

How to change Facebook Group name on your computer?

If you are using Facebook on your computer and want to rename your group, you will have to follow these steps:

  • You will first have to log in to your Facebook account through your PC or your Mac. Then click on the name of the group that you want to change. If you have trouble finding the group, go to “shortcuts” from the left side of the screen.
  • Underneath the header image of the group, select “more” and then choose “edit group settings”
  • Next to the option saying Group name, you will see a field with the group name. Click on that and type in the new name of your group that you desire
  • Once you are done typing in the group name, scroll down to the bottom of your screen and choose “save”

After getting done with all these steps, your Facebook group name would have changed. A notification for the change would automatically go to all the members of your group.

How to change Facebook group name on your mobile?

 You will be able to edit your Facebook group name only if you are the admin. Here are the steps to follow:

  • You can get started by opening the Facebook app on your Android or iOS device and choose the menu icon from the upper-right side of the screen
  • Tap on “groups” and then choose the name of your Facebook group. If you have trouble finding it, go to “your groups” and then go down to the “groups you manage” option.
  • There will be an icon resembling a shield in the top-right corner, open that and choose “group setting” from the menu.
  • Choose “name and description”
  • There will be a field under “group name”, choose it and type in the new name of your Facebook group that you desire. Once you are done with that, select “save” from the top right corner

Looking To Schedule Your Facebook Posts in Advanced Planning ?

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduler tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.


You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of HootSuite alternatives

Along with scheduling posts on Facebook for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Instagram post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, and Google My Business post scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more.


This was everything you needed to know about how to change Facebook group name in different settings. You can play with the names as you like. But always be sure to stay in tune with the conversations that go around in the group. If you name your group in a way that is irrelevant to what the members are saying or what they want to say, your group might go for a toss.

You can always take the help of a social media scheduler to ease things out on your Facebook group in terms of content posting. You will be able to manage all your posts seamlessly and even automate them.

RecurPost is a great choice without any doubt for all your social media scheduling needs. Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you automated posting to facebook, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  schedule google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/how-to-change-group-name-on-facebook/

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How to schedule posts on facebook groups
How to post reels on instagram
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How To Get out of Facebook Jail

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Best Instagram Bio Ideas for 2021: Tips To Write Perfect Bio

You need to have strong Instagram bio ideas when you're trying to expand your followers. If you're consciously trying to get new followers by engaging with their pages or refreshing your hashtag plan, all future followers will be looking at your profile. One of the best things that you can do to boost your odds of converting followers to visitors is to enhance your bio. We're going to take a look at how to write successful Instagram bios and provide you with the best  instagram bio examples that you can consider for your own.

How to write an Instagram bio?

  • Add keywords and descriptive terms to the profile name.
  • Use your bio to express easily what followers can expect from your page and what they'll get after following you.
  • Utilize line breaks and emoticons to make your bio look nice and easy to read.
  • Have a powerful call-to-action (CTA) to send your followers somewhere to know more about you.
  • Use a link in bio tool (Linktree) to view more than one link for maximum traffic conversion.
  • Update your link in bio landing page to showcase your branding.

 Bio ideas for your Instagram account

  1. Putting customers first since 2013
  2. Official home of (brand name) on Instagram
  4. Share your photos with us using #(brand name)
  5. ? Free international shipping
  6. We believe in helping people
  7. Contact us: name@email.com
  8. Click the link below to shop our Instagram
  9. Great selection of (type of products) merch
  10. Check out our best sellers below
  1. I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous
  2. Tell me not to do something and I’ll do it twice and take pictures
  3. All i do is win, win, win. No matter what.
  4. In a world where you can have everything. Be a giver first.
  5. You become what you believe, so believe in yourself
  6. I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous
  7. Tell me not to do something and I’ll do it twice and take pictures
  8. All i do is win, win, win. No matter what.
  9. In a world where you can have everything. Be a giver first.
  10. You become what you believe, so believe in yourself
  1. Live to lift. Lift to live.
  2. Pizza. Beer. Sports.
  3. Currently eating. Waiting for the game to start.
  4. You can find me at ______. [the bar/the gym/my couch]
  5. I answer to no one but my [dog/cat/pet].
  6. I work to travel. Next up: _____. 
  7. Monday-Friday: in the office, Saturday-Sunday: hitting the trails
  8. [Sport played] [position] [team]
  9. Two wheels and the open road
  10. I’m just here to raise hell
  11. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott” – [Your Name]
  12. [City] [Song quote by your favorite band]
  13. [College] [Home city] [Profession]
  14. Work hard. Play hard.
  15. I’ll love you if you make me a sandwich.
  16. When in doubt, call the boys.
  17. It’s boys night, every night.
  1. Britney made it through 2007, you can make it through this.
  2. Thank God I take better care of my children than I do plants!
  3. Life is short, and so am I!
  4. Chocolate: it’s not an option.
  5. [Graduation Year] | [Sorority] | [Favorite Quote]
  6. Coffee until happy hour.
  7. Family first.
  8. [City] | [Hobby] | [Profession]
  9. Life is made in the details.
  10. [City] [Quote from your favorite movie]
  11. Don’t talk to me until coffee.
  12. Blessed and grateful for it.
  13. Catch me at the _______. [gym/bar/spa]
  14. Keeping my head, heels and spirits high.
  15. I don’t need a crown to be royal.
  16. Be your own kind of beautiful. 
  1. I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.
  2. If “love is in the air” why is the air so polluted?
  3. Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
  4. Catch flights not feelings.
  5. I’m cool, but global warming made me HOT
  6. I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why.
  7. Currently saying yes to new adventures
  1. Push will get a person almost anywhere…except through a door marked “pull.”
  2. Moving from succeeding to exceeding.
  3. Laughter makes everything better.
  4. If the grass really is greener somewhere else, turn on your sprinkler.
  5. If you think I look confused, I probably am.
  6. If all the world’s a stage, I want the lead role.
  7. I don’t need to measure success: I’m already past it.
  8. If you’re feeling blue, grab a can of paint!
  9. Let positivity energize you!
  10. There’s always time for ______. [your friends/your pet/a good book]
  11. No matter where you go, there you are!
  12. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!
  13. Trust your gut, you’re either hungry or right!
  14. To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.
  15. The risk I took was calculated, but wow, I’m really bad at math.
  16. Dreams ? Goals
  17. If “love is in the air,” why is the air so polluted?
  18. It took me __ years to look like this
  19. Currently saying yes to new adventures
  20. I’m hurt but I still smile. That’s my life.
  21. Midnight snacker ?
  22. Everyone else was taken so this is me
  23. Recovering cake addict ?
  24. I make money in my sleep ?
  25. People call me Sara but you can call me tonight ?
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. Helping you build healthier habits
  3. When you feel like giving up, keep going
  4. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do
  5. Strength comes from doing things you thought you couldn’t
  6. Do something today that your future self will thank you for
  7. Today doesn’t need your excuses. Make it happen.
  8. The worst workout is the one you didn’t bother to do
  9. Hustle for more muscle
  10. Train insane or remain the same
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. Ah, I just love the whooshing sound that deadlines make as they fly by.
  3. All this time, I thought I wanted a job. Turns out, I just wanted a paycheck.
  4. An evolutionary mass of atoms whose sole instinct is survival.
  5. Avoid following the masses blindly. Every so often, the “m” in “masses” is      silent.
  6. Bacon would probably cost less if we could slice it with lasers.
  7. Beauty is only skin deep. But ugly? Ah, that goes all the way to the bone!
  1. Can’t hear you! Listening to music!
  2. Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats.
  3. Good music. Good Friends. Good Vibes.
  4. Music is the language of feelings.
  5. Music Is My Painkiller.
  6. No matter what you’re going through, no matter how you feel, music always helps.
  1. Live in the sunshine where you belong.
  2. Be your own kind of beautiful.
  3. Sometimes it’s the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince.
  4. Love me or hate me either way I’m gonna shine.
  5. I’m not perfect but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection.
  1. Education is a continual process, it’s like a bicycle… If you don’t pedal you don’t go forward.
  2. Education should learn from the positive side of gaming – reward, accomplishment, and fun.
  3. We must believe in the power of education. We must respect just laws. We must love ourselves, our old and or young, our women as well as our men.
  4. Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.
  5. Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.
  6. Education and work are the levers to uplift a people.
  7. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
  8. Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.
  1. Catch flights not feelings.
  2. I regret nothing you see in this feed.
  3. I’d rather steal your dessert than your boyfriend.
  4. Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
  5. Born to express, not impress.
  6. I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why.
  7. We are all part of the ultimate statistic – ten out of ten die.
  1. The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone
  2. Here’s my story for the history books
  3. I’m a cupcake in search for her stud muffin
  4. In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself
  5. Success is in my veins
  6. Yup, I’m just another Instagram influencer
  7. No, this isn’t a dream. This is my reality.
  8. What should I put here?
  9. Welcome to my world
  1. Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change
  2. Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded
  3. We have tomorrows for a reason
  4. Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve, it’s leadership  
  5. I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me
  6. Be a warrior, not a worrier.
  7. Believing in yourself is the first secret to success
  1. Everyday I create a life I love
  2. When the world is dark look up to the stars ??????
  3. Trying to watch more sunsets than Netflix
  4. I’m ready – let’s do this
  5. Be a flamingo in the flock of pigeons
  6. Making mistakes is better than faking perfection
  7. Sprinkling a bit of magic
  8. Sharing my happy thoughts
  9. Capture every moment
  10. I’m the rainbow ? on the rainy day ?️
  1. We have tomorrows for a reason.
  2. Serving you a feast of vibrant grids.
  3. Just making sure to love life.
  4. When it rains look for rainbows when it’s dark I look for stars.
  5. I don’t want to forget something that once made us smile.
  1. Single. Determined. Living life.
  2. Creating sunshine in the world
  3. I wonder how many calories my exes burned jumping to conclusions
  4. Always better together xoxo
  5. You’ll never shine if all you do is throw shade
  6. Just a little bit imperfect
  7. Real queens fix each other’s crowns
  8. Today’s the kind of day I live for
  9. No one’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed
  10. I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. Being myself – Everyone else is taken.
  3. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  4. I’m a cupcake in search for her stud muffin
  5. Do you know what I like about people? Their dogs.
  6. The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone.
  7. The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
  8. No this isn’t a dream, this is my reality
  9. I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  10. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
  11. When nothing goes right…. Swipe!
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. I'm wearing the smile you gave me.
  3. The best things in life are better with you.

    Look at the studies on:
  1. You're my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.
  2. The peanut butter to my jelly.
  3. Together is a wonderful place to be.
  4. I can't live without you, and I don't want to try.
  5. My favorite fairytale is our love story.
  6. Home is wherever I'm with you.
  7. Two heads, one heart.
  8. Every day with you is the best day of my life.
  9. I want to be with you until my last page.
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. The camera is over you.
  3. Every Image has Power.
  4. Capturing ideas to adorn you.
  5. See the beauty of photography.
  6. Today, everything exists to end in a photograph.
  7. Photography with every season.
  8. Innovative in the moment.
  9. Reinventing moments.
  10. “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” — Alfred Stieglitz
  11. Love for photography. Eat sleep and breathe it. Become a photographer.
  12. My Mom Shoots People.
  13. Humanity of the Moment.
  14. I don’t trust words, I trust pictures
  15. Photos from around the globe: My photography diary
  16. If you think Nikon is beyond your reach…It’s not!
  17. The Pause Button of Life.
  18. Photos you’ll love… with memories for life.
  1. Fancy food makes my day! Does it make yours too? #fancyfood
  2. Food is love and it is better than love if you think about it! 
  3. I could stare at good food all day long! #goodfood!
  4. I could be mad at you and I could be yelling at you, but the moment you walk in with food, I promise I will be ready to put everything aside.
  5. I am always a bit sweeter after I have eaten. #foodislife
  6. Food is the thing that keeps me happy even on the gloomiest of days!
  7. Food makes a lot of gloomy days seem brighter! #food
  8. Food tastes better when you are with the person you are in love with!
  9. I may live my days only with the hope of being able to taste new food! #newfood
  1. Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  2. Changing lives through movement and mobility.
  3. Eat to live, not live to eat. – Socrates
  4. Eating healthy can be delicious and easy. Meal prep videos every week!
  5. Healthy living begins with a healthy mind.
  6. Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. – Thomas Jefferson
  7. Helping you build sustainable habits so you can live a more happy, healthy & fulfilled life!
  8. Healthy living doesn’t have to be difficult | Follow along for all the tips and tricks!
  9. You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be better than you were yesterday.
  10. Helping you build healthier habits
  1. Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
  2. I don’t think being an athlete is unfeminine. I think of it as a kind of grace.
  3. A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever. – Mary Lou Retton
  4. It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
  5. Win If You Can, Lose If You Must, But NEVER QUIT!
  6. I don’t plan on being disappointed. We plan on being really good, and obviously, we plan on winning.
  7. Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors.
  8. What to do with a mistake: recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it.
  1. Probably jet-lagged.
  2. Catching flights, not feelings.
  3. Passport-ready.
  4. When life gives you lemons, fly to Italy for limoncello.
  5. I've never taken a vacation I didn't like.
  6. She believed she could, so she did." — R.S. Grey
  7. Living my best life.
  8. En route to vacation.
  9. And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” — Meister Eckhart
  10. Head in the clouds.
  11. Forever falling for waterfalls and wanderlust.

Schedule your Instagram Posts

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduler tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost one of  best HootSuite alternatives

Along with scheduling posts on Instagram for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, and Google My Business post scheduler

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more. Click here to learn more.


Once you have everything set on your Instagram bio, it’s time to prepare awesome content regularly. Maintaining a consistent presence on Instagram is very crucial in order to build brand awareness, promote products through Instagram, and gain followers. To make the most out of your Instagram marketing efforts, it is advisable to prepare an editorial calendar and publish posts at the right time.

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that will help you in doing this. It lets you create an advanced editorial calendar, schedule posts in advance, finds the best time to post, gives insights about your audience and top-performing posts,  and a lot more. Click here to learn more.

Knowing the best time to post serves as a base for gaining success on Instagram’s platform. By properly maintaining a balance of the above industry-wise data, your audience insights, and using a social media scheduling tool; you will be able to gain immense levels of interactions and increased followers on your Instagram account.

Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost.

It lets you automatic facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  schedule  google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Learn More here: https://recurpost.com/blog/301-instagram-bio-ideas-for-2021/

Also Read:

Best Time To Post on Instagram

Worst Time To Post on Instagram

How To Change Group Name on Facebook

Google My Business Post Image sizes guide in 2021

How to make a gifHow To use Instagram Filters

301 Best Twitter Bio Ideas for 2021

Facebook Jail : How to get out of facebook jail

15 Social Media Trends in 2022

10 Free online social media marketing course

how to schedule posts on facebook groups

how to post reels on instagram

Twitter Advanced Search 1



What is the Best & Worst Time To Post on Instagram in 2021

Gone are the days when Instagram used to show posts in chronological order. As the algorithm has been changed to the most relevant content appearing on your feed (also considering the freshness of posts), it is now more important that you select the right and the best time to post on Instagram. This will make sure that your audience engages with your content.

Instagram is one of the top three social media platforms, and the users are only going to increase in the coming years. And when you want to get more engagement on such a platform, you need to know about the behavior of your audience. 

The better you learn about your audience, the better you will able to create relatable content that drives engagement.

We have observed the engagement levels that different industries receive during different days of the week and noted the timings when their posts got the highest likes, comments and shares.

Let’s have a brief look! 

  • Best time to post on Instagram for technology industry

Best days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 7 AM to 10 AM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially afternoons

  • Best time to post on Instagram for education sector

Best days: Friday, Saturday

Best time: 9 AM to 8 PM

Worst days: Sunday and Monday, especially morning

  • Best time to post on Instagram for media industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially in mornings and nights

  • Best time to post on Instagram for healthcare industry

Best days: Tuesday, Thursday

Best time: 7 AM to 7 PM

Worst days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for finance sector

Best days: Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 10 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday, Sunday, Monday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for non-profit sector

Best days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Best time: 9 AM to 8 PM

Worst days: Saturday, Sunday, especially in midnights and evenings

  • Best time to post on Instagram for consumer goods

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sundays

  • Best time to post on Instagram for non-retail e-commerce

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 4 PM to 9 PM

Worst days: Saturdays

The Best Time to Post on Instagram by Day:

Till now, you might be reasoning that the best times to post on Instagram is during weekends. But, from the above data, it is quite clar that weekdays are best when it comes to posting as a brand. The reason behind it is that people are normally scrolling through entertaining content on weekends or upload their own posts

Look at the studies on:

Best practices to play with the posting timings

  • Know your audience

Dig into your Instagram analytics, and you will find all the gold there. The location of your audience, age group, gender, and other interests. Also, have a look at the timezone of your target group. Use all the data along with the above info to get the best results.

  • Experiment and measure

Carry out split testing methods and experiment with the posting timings. Maintain a spreadsheet that contains all the information including the post, date and time of uploading, and the like and comments received.

  • Tailor your content 

What does your audience like to see on their feed? What are the kind of posts with which they interact the most? Is your content providing them any value? Keeping all the things in mind, customize your content in a way that pleases your audience.

  • Schedule your Instagram posts

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduler tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

While using RecurPost, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost the best HootSuite alternative

Along with scheduling posts on Instagram for best time sharing, you can also use RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, tweet scheduler, and Google My Business post scheduler

To sum up,

Knowing the best time to post serves as a base for gaining success on Instagram’s platform. By properly maintaining a balance of the above industry-wise data, your audience insights, and using a social media scheduling tool; you will be able to gain immense levels of interactions and increased followers on your Instagram account.

Sign up for RecurPost’s 14-day free trial and post your content for the best time to gain more engagement on your content.To try out all amazing features (and many others) ofered by RecurPost.

It lets you automatic facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  schedule  google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Visit To Know More: https://recurpost.com/blog/best-and-worst-time-to-post-on-instagram-2021

Also Read :-

  1. 301 Instagram Bio ideas for 2021: Tips to Write Perfect Bio
  2.  301 Twitter Bio Ideas for 2021: Tips on How To Write a Perfect Bio
  3. How To use Instagram Filters
  4. Instagram Reels 101: The Ultimate Guide to using the new feature
  5.  Facebook Jail: Everything You Should Know & How To Stay Away From It
  6. Google My Business Post Image Size Guide in 2021
  7. How to launch your brand on Social Media
  8. Viral Marketing in 2021 – How can you make your brand viral
  9. How To Make a GIF: Top 10 Free Tools
  10. 15 Social Media Trends to Use in 2022 to Grow Your Online Business
  11. Top 10 Free Courses to Learn Social Media Marketing Online With Certification in 2021
  12. 31 Effective Marketing Ideas for Businesses for 2021

Facebook Post Scheduler and Automation Tool For Maximum Engagement

Using a Facebook post scheduler can help you in saving time creating individual posts, provide consistent content to your target audience and followers, and connect and engage with more people. 

A Facebook post scheduler is literally a boon for social media marketers who struggle to manage their time and can’t keep up with the number of posting schedules. It never lets your Facebook accounts stay empty. 

But, when you use the native post scheduler by Facebook, you cannot schedule posts on personal profiles, which is a turn off for people who want to manage their personal accounts. Thus, we are going to show you how you can schedule posts on Facebook profiles, pages, as well as groups.

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool to schedule Facebook posts with bulk schedule content with ease. Using it, you will be able to plan and schedule hundreds of posts in advance and stop worrying about posting in real-time.

Benefits of using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler:

  • Schedule content in bulk

RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler lets you create bulk updates and schedule them in advance. You can create bulk schedules in 4 ways:

  • Upload bulk content from your device (text or image updates)
  • Upload content through a CSV or excel file
  • Import content by setting up an RSS feed
  • Import content from a social account

All the posts that you want to schedule can be added to different content libraries. These libraries keep your social media calendar well-organized. When you sign up for RecurPost, three default libraries will be created for you. You can further create unlimited libraries to categorize your content neatly and schedule them to go out on your FB accounts using RecurPost’s Facebook automation tool.

  • Auto-schedule for best times

To get the maximum engagement on your posts, you need to post your content when your audience is actively using the platform. Analyzing your audience and carrying out A/B tests is a way to find out your best times to post on Facebook. It also depends on the industry you are operating in.

However, this is a cumbersome and time-consuming process. When you use RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, you don’t have to worry about finding the best times to post. RecurPost provides you with an option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’. 

When you select this option while scheduling Facebook posts, RecurPost will automatically study the engagement received on your posts in the past and will upload your posts accordingly. The same goes for the best time to post on Instagram, best time to post on twitter, and other platforms.

  • Create updates with multiple images

A majority of Facebook post schedulers allow you to add only one image while scheduling a post on FB pages. But RecurPost’s social media scheduler allows you to add up to 15 images in one post. Thus, you don’t need to go to FB to schedule posts with multiple images manually. 

Not only images, but you can also create posts by adding videos or GIFs too. In the description, you can add emojis and hashtags of your choice. This ensures that you can create varied updates using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler. 

  • Get access to detailed analytics

RecurPost offers you very detailed analytics of how your Facebook posts perform. In the reports section, you will be able to see the following data:

  • Increase/decrease in Facebook page audience
  • Page impressions (Paid and organic)
  • Audience engagement (likes, comments, shares)
  • Audience demographic (male, female)
  • Performance of your posts (most reshares, favorites, popular updates)
  • Best time to post
  • Detailed engagement for every post uploaded

Isn’t this data pretty detailed? You will get all the insights required to change or modify your content calendar, and create content that is liked by your audience.  

  • Use the social inbox to manage notifications

The social inbox is one of the most amazing features you get while using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler. You can manage all your social media notifications from a single place. It enables you to watch all your chats, mentions, comments, and conversations, and take action on them.

A unified social inbox lets you establish a connection with your followers, manage notifications along with your team members, and reduce distractions from unwanted notifications. See and reply to messages, manage comments, read reviews, and manage fan updates for your Facebook pages seamlessly. Thus, along with automatic Facebook posting, you get to take care of your important notifications from the same dashboard. 

  • Download white-label reports

While using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.

With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.

You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost the best HootSuite alternative

  • Assign work to your team members through workspaces

A task done in coordination is a task well-done. Following the same belief, RecurPost allows you to add, manage, and work with your team members or clients so as to gain maximum control and efficiency in your workplace.

You can create different workspaces for different clients or for managing different sets of social accounts and libraries. You can invite team members to manage desired workspaces and give them access to selected social accounts and libraries.

Using this feature, you will be able to organize your social accounts and delegate work easily. Best for freelancers and agencies who are managing the social accounts of multiple clients.

Sign up for the 14-day free trial today!

To try out all these amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, sign-up for the 14-day free trial today. You will not be charged anything if you cancel before the trial period completes. The pricing plans are pocket-friendly and suitable for all kinds of businesses, freelancers, agencies, bloggers, authors, artists, and the like. 

It lets you automatic facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and  Scheduling  google my business posts. Click here to learn more.

Visit us: https://recurpost.com/recurpost-as-free-facebook-post-scheduler

Also Read :

  1. Best & Worst Time To Post on Instagram  in 2021
  2. Best Time To Post on Twitter in 2021
  3. When is The Best Time To Post on TikTok (and Worst): The Ultimate rundown
  4. 301 Instagram Bio ideas for 2021: Tips to Write Perfect Bio
  5.  301 Twitter Bio Ideas for 2021: Tips on How To Write a Perfect Bio
  6. How To use Instagram Filters
  7. Instagram Reels 101: The Ultimate Guide to using the new feature
  8.  Facebook Jail: Everything You Should Know & How To Stay Away From It




How RecurPost is The Best HootSuite Alternative For Social Media 

The world has acknowledged the force of online media, which clarifies the broad utilization of web-based media by business organizations, just as individuals. Regardless of whether we are in our working environments or at our homes, we continue to get to our online social media accounts. Also, we are not restricted to one social site. Hence, it gets hard to deal with all the online media platforms and post routinely on them, particularly for organizations. 

This is the place where a complete web-based social media scheduling tool comes in. HootSuite is one of the first social media scheduling tools that came into picture. It empowers individuals to deal with numerous social media accounts from a single spot. Nonetheless, in the previous few years, plenty of web-based media schedulers have come into the image. Offering more vigorous features at affordable costs, these social media schedulers make for the ideal HootSuite alternatives. 

Yet, for what reason would it be a good idea for you to not go for HootSuite and search for its alternatives? Continue to read to track down every one of the appropriate reasons! 

For what reason is HootSuite so popular? 

Being one of the absolute first online social media scheduler launched in 2008, HootSuite has made an imprint in the rundown of social media management tools. The significant advantage of HootSuite is that it offers a simple to-utilize interface and can be used to deal with various social media sites from a solitary dashboard. It offers a free plan which an individual can use to manage 3 social accounts. The following are a few reasons why businesses use HootSuite so widely: 

  • Allows you to manage FB, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. 
  • Add your colleagues to deal with your social records. 
  • Mobile application available for Android and iOS users. 
  • Social media performance reports sent through email. 
  • Supports mass scheduling of content to schedule multiple posts together. 
  • Let’s you create content through CSV or Excel files. 

However, every advanced feature is just accessible for paid users and not the free ones. Regardless of having a high user rating, the free plan of HootSuite is exceptionally restricted and when you choose to go for a paid plan, it costs extremely high, particularly for startups and small businesses. 

Subsequently, prior to choosing to utilize HootSuite, you should consider the alternatives available, compare them with one another and afterward settle on a choice as per your requirements and financial plan. 

What are the downsides of HootSuite? 

HootSuite has plenty of disadvantages that will make you reconsider choosing the tool for your social media management and look for a better alternative. 

  • Pricing structure: 

HootSuite has befuddling and convoluted pricing. The free plan is restricted to 3 social accounts, 1 user, and 30 scheduled posts. 

In 2012, HootSuite Pro Plan was priced at $5.99/month, offering you to deal with a limitless number of social channels. It allowed 2 users to connect and furthermore offered analytics. Presently, the same plan costs $75/month! 

Currently, the cheapest plan is for $49/month, which is likewise pricey for solo entrepreneurs and small businesses. 

  • Obsolete dashboard: 

The Hootsuite UI hasn't changed for quite a long time and has been one of the biggest criticisms from users over the years. Numerous users call it outdated. 

You can’t pause your scheduled social media posts once they are scheduled! So, in case of any error, you simply need to wait till the post gets published and then delete it manually. Many social media scheduling tools fail to provide this feature. One HootSuite alternative that allows you to pause your queue is RecurPost.

  • Costly analytics: 

HootSuite deals with a point-based framework toward giving reports to free and legacy pro clients. In the event that you run out of points, you need to buy them or delete previously created reports. Moreover, analytics is available just for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

  • No Queues:

Utilizing a queue is a simple method to get content posted consistently. When you schedule posts, they get arranged in a queue according to the time slots. When a time slot comes up, the first piece of content gets posted, and the second piece of content comes to the front ready for the next time slot. HootSuite fails to provide this feature. Thus, you can’t figure out which post will be going next.

  • No recurring schedules: 

Content reusing (repurposing) is a great feature given by some social media scheduling tools. It will really help you maximize the impact of your content. You can save numerous posts in a library and set a recurring schedule to have the content uploaded on your social media pages in a loop. HootSuite does not have this feature, while its alternatives, Like RecurPost do.

Why should you search for a HootSuite alternative? 

Aside from the above-mentioned downsides of HootSuite, there are a few other things to be remembered. HootSuite has verifiably bad customer service. Despite the fact that it is improving now, you can't anticipate a speedy response from the team to take care of your issues. The live chat should be accessible from Monday to Friday for 24 hours according to their policies, however, that isn't the situation. 

Even an essential component like a URL shortener comes at an extra cost. A URL shortener allows you to abbreviate your post link to make it more shareable on stages like Twitter where the character space is restricted. HootSuite doesn't let you repurpose your content, which can help make it stay new in the minds of your customers or target audience and acquire leads with the least effort. Consequently, searching for a HootSuite alternative that provides these features is something ideal to do. 

One more significant feature that HootSuite neglects to give is the capacity to make White-label reports. Hence, despite the fact that you can download your social media reports, you can't give them an expert professional touch by adding your logo. This element can end up being a distinct advantage when you need to address the reports to your clients or colleagues. 

HootSuite additionally doesn't allow you to post on personal Facebook profiles and Google my business listings. If you are a local business, managing your GMB posts is a crucial factor you should look for while picking up a social media scheduling tool.

For what reason is RecurPost the best HootSuite alternative? 

At the point when you are searching for HootSuite alternatives, RecurPost is an outstanding social media scheduling tool that you can get your hands on. How? How about we discover it! 

  • Affordable pricing plans

HootSuite has plans beginning from $49/month, which is promoted for small businesses, and the enterprise plans go up to $599/month. That is simply crazy! RecurPost, on the other hand, gives all the similar features and some additional ones as well, beginning just from $20.83/month. The agency plan likewise goes up to $83.33/month. Figure the number of dollars you can save! 

  • Simple to-utilize and 24*5 client assistance 

RecurPost has an excessively simple to utilize interface. After signing up for the tool, you will be taken through the whole interface to assist you. In the event that you stall out anyplace, you can contact the customer care through live chat or email. You can also plan a one-on-one meeting with a support team member where you will be guided on the best way to set up your social accounts and make the most out of RecurPost’s features. 

  • Social inbox 

As an alternative to HootSuite, RecurPost offers a social inbox from where you can deal with your social media notifications. You can delegate the notifications to colleagues, flag them for review, or even delete them. You can even bookmark them or add tags. It consolidates your notifications and limits clumsiness. You can see every one of the significant notifications rapidly and reply to comments in real-time. 

  • White-label reports 

RecurPost offers progressed examination that allows you to gauge your web-based media execution. You can likewise download these reports alongside your organization logo or your customer's organization logos. HootSuite offers examination at an extra expense separated from the arrangement, and furthermore doesn't allow you to download White-name reports, making RecurPost a decent other option. 

  • Recurring schedules

RecurPost lets you repurpose your content through the feature of repeating libraries. You can make content libraries and set a recurring schedule, which posts the content in that library out in a loop on your social accounts. This allows you to acquire traffic from the same piece of content over and over. It is an incredible method to utilize your old content. HootSuite doesn't give you this astonishing feature. 

  • Auto-schedule

The AI-based optimization system by RecurPost contemplates the engagement levels on your social media posts and discovers your unique best time to post on all social accounts on all social accounts. This will help you to increase the visibility of your content and attract a wider audience. HootSuite does not have this function, which adds to the fact that RecurPost is a better alternative. 

  • Twitter variations

If you are effectively utilizing Twitter to promote your business, you may know about the fact that you can't post the same content twice on your Twitter account. This makes it hard to repurpose your content on this platform. But, RecurPost has got a way around it. It helps you generate tweet variations, which you can use to upload the same message again and again, without getting penalized by Twitter. 

  • Content categorization

While utilizing RecurPost, you can make unlimited content libraries. You can undoubtedly classify those libraries into various categories. For instance, you can make a library for 'Famous Memes', Motivational Messages', or ‘Promotions’. By doing this, all your content will be appropriately organized and your account won't look messed up. 

  • Best time schedules

RecurPost has an amazing feature of auto-scheduling your content for the best times to post on Instagram, best time to tweet, and the same for every social platform. Thus, you don’t have to worry about finding the best times to post manually. Simply select the option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’ and let RecurPost work its wonders.


We realize that HootSuite can negatively affect your budget, and that is the reason you need to search for better alternatives. With every one of the features listed above, it is safe to say that RecurPost will end up being the best HootSuite alternative that you opt for. It's affordable, gives plentiful features, and will assist you with dealing with your social media accounts smoothly. 

It lets you schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule Facebook posts, schedule LinkedIn posts, and schedule Google my business posts. It offers a 14-day free trial, which you can use to try out the tool before making an investment. Click here to check it out!

Learn More Here : https://recurpost.com/best-hootsuite-alternatives

The Best Time To Tweet For Gaining Maximum Engagement Levels

Imagine eliminating any guesswork while scheduling your tweets, understanding the best time to experiment with tweeting for maximum clicks, and maximum interaction. Twitter is a fast-paced social media site that needs you to consider more than just what you're tweeting. The time at which you upload your tweets is very critical. In order to get the best engagement for the Tweets you’re lining up in your content strategy, you need to know when to post on Twitter so that your content gets your audience’s full attention.

Thus, we have made this list which will let you know the best time to tweet according to the industry that you’re in.

  • Best time to tweet for media

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 4 PM

Best day: Thursday and Friday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for consumer goods

Best time: Saturday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Sunday

Worst day: Monday and Thursday

  • Best time to tweet for technical businesses

Best time: Tuesday to Friday - 7 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Tuesday and Wednesday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for financial businesses

Best time: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Tuesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for the education sector

Best time: Wednesday and Saturday - 8 AM to 9 PM

Best day: Saturday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for healthcare sector

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 3 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for Non-profit sector

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 2 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for recreation

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Friday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

How to find your best time to post on Twitter?

  • Dig into your Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics offers you a full rundown of your Tweet views, profile visits, and other factors of interaction. You can utilize twitter analytics to monitor your success over time and create new posting techniques along the way.

  • Test out different posts timings using a Twitter scheduling tool

Unlike Facebook analytics, twitter doesn’t directly tell you the best time to post. But also, as discussed above, it gives you ample knowledge to find the best time by trial and error. Just break down your experiments over a period of one month. Each day of this month, post your tweets in the morning, noon, and evening at a specific set of times. Now, this seems to be a tedious job and that is where a social media scheduler such as RecurPost comes to your rescue.

RecurPost lets you plan your tweets ahead of time and automatically post them on the time and date that you have selected. So this automated scheduling and posting method lets you play with various time slots without any problems. Apart from that, RecurPost studies your engagement levels received on tweets and then recommends you the best time to post on Instagram as well as Twitter. You just need to auto-schedule for the best time and RecurPost’s AI will take care of the rest. It is one of the best HootSuite alternatives available at an affordable price.

Summing up,

Sending your tweets out at the peak times will not only help you connect with your audience, but will also eventually help you get in the sights of other promising prospects. Take inspiration from general popular time, analyze your own statistics in twitter analytics, and use social media scheduling tools like RecurPost to post on best times. Sign up for a free account now and level-up your Twitter marketing game! 

You can not only schedule tweets, but also schedule facebook posts, schedule linkedin posts, and schedule instagram posts

READ MORE Here : https://recurpost.com/blog/best-time-to-tweet/


“First impression is the last impression”. Just like almost anything else on the web, your Instagram bio is all about creating that first impression. Many people just take a few moments to check bios and images before they decide whether or not they should follow you. If your Instagram bio is attractive, people will decide to interact with your content or follow your account. If it doesn’t, they might lose interest.

In this article, we’ll discuss what an Instagram bio is, how to write a kickass bio, and see some cool bio tricks. Above all, we are going to share 301 Instagram bio ideas that you can simply copy and paste to your profile!

Read More : https://recurpost.com/blog/301-instagram-bio-ideas-for-2021/

RecurPost - Social Media Scheduler with Repeating schedule


Facebook is the biggest social media platform used by people all around the world. It holds the largest user base of around 2.89 billion monthly active users. Thus, if you are not a part of it yet, it’s now a good time to create an account. Doesn’t matter whether you want to connect with your close ones or promote your business through social media marketing, it is necessary to know how to make the most out of the platform. 

So let’s see how to post on Facebook from desktop and mobile, and also show how you can schedule facebook posts ahead of time using a social media scheduling tool.

How to post on Facebook from desktop

Go to www.facebook.com. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged in. If not, enter your email address and password to log in to your account. 

Now, in the center of the screen, you will see a box saying ‘What’s on your mind?’.

Click on it and a pop-up will appear. Here, you can add all the details of your post. You can write the caption, use emojis, add photos or video, add a check-in location, tag people, or host a QnA session.

Add all the details you want and click on ‘Post’ to make it live.

How to post on Facebook from mobile

To post on Facebook from your phone, follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your account from the Facebook app.
  2. On the top of the screen, you’ll see a box saying ‘What’s on your mind?’. Click on it and you’ll see all the options that you can use.
  3. Write the caption and upload photos/videos. You can also upload reels from your phone. Additionally, there are options to start a live video, host a QnA, create layouts, and upload a check-in.
  4. After adding your choice of details, click on ‘Post’

How to schedule posts on Facebook

Using a social media scheduling tool to schedule Facebook posts is a great way to post on multiple accounts at the same time. If you are someone who manages multiple accounts, pages, or groups, scheduling beforehand can be very helpful as it can help sort out days and weeks of content at once. RecurPost is the only social media scheduler that lets you bulk schedule posts on profiles, pages, and groups together.

Here’s how to use it:

Create an account on RecurPost and begin your 14-day free trial.

After signing up, you will be taken to the dashboard where you will see a button saying ‘Add social accounts’.

Click on it and a pop-up will appear. Under the Facebook section, there will be three options: Profile, Page, and Group.

You can add all of your accounts one by one. If you are not already logged in from your browser, you will be taken to the login screen and then asked to give certain permissions to RecurPost in order to be able to post on your behalf. RecurPost doesn’t store or use any of your credentials. 

After your accounts are connected, you can start creating one-off posts and adding content in libraries. To create a one-off post, click on the ‘Share a post’ button on the dashboard.

In the pop-up window, add all the details of the post - caption, photos, video, hashtags, emojis, or links. Then select the FB accounts and schedule the post for your desired timings. 

Here, you will get an option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’ which will help post the right content at the right time. On selecting it, RecurPost will study the engagement level received in your previous posts and will find out your unique best time to post on Facebook. After adding all the details, click on the ‘Schedule’ button.

To add content in libraries, simply go to the Libraries section. Three libraries will be created by default - you can create as many as you want to. Select the library in which you want to add content. You can add a single update, add images/text/link posts in bulk, add content through a CSV/excel file, import content from a social account, or set up an RSS feed.

After adding content, you have to set a recurring schedule so that the content in the library can go out on your social accounts. Go to the library and navigate to the ‘Your schedule’ tab. Then click on ‘Add recurring schedule’. Select the frequency at which you want the updates to be uploaded. Choose an option between weekly or monthly cycles, set the time, and click on the ‘Add Schedule’ button.

How to post on Facebook to increase engagement

  • Curate content that relates to your audience. People on Facebook are generally interested in informative, inspirational, or entertaining content. If you provide them with such posts, they are bound to engage with it. 
  • Dig into analytics and learn about your audience. Facebook’s analytics lets you learn about your audience demographics, age group, gender, location, and interests. Then create content by keeping that data in mind.
  • Find out the time when your audience is the most active. Either you can conduct A/B tests and find out your best time, or you can use a social media scheduler like RecurPost that provides the option of scheduling posts for the best time. 
  • Post behind-the-scenes content to give a personal touch to your content.
  • Create content on trending topics. It increases the chances of appearing in people’s feeds which ultimately boosts engagement rates.
  • Engage with your followers regularly. Reply to each and every comment and DM that you receive. 


Now that you know how to post on Facebook and what kind of content to create, start making a content calendar to build your presence on the platform. Take the 14-day trial of RecurPost to experience scheduling facebook posts ahead of time and fill up your feed with awesome content!

Read More : https://recurpost.com/blog/how-to-post-on-facebook/


How to launch your brand on social media

In this modern world, Social media is turning out to be one of the most effective tools to market your brand stand out of the crowd.

When social media branding is done correctly, your brand can be published and established in a huge way. Social media branding is about consistently using social media platforms to engage with the targeted audience.

Social media makes branding easy and helps to get the best customer suitable for your brand. When you get social branding right, the rest of the sales process becomes more efficient.

Social media branding allows you to break through the clutter so you’ll be easily recognizable to your target audience and ultimately drive more business, leads, and sales.

Here is a step by step guide to launch your brand successfully on social media:

  • Start a plan-To make the launch of your brand successful you need to have a plan.
  • Audience-The most important part of any kind of marketing plan is knowing your audience. Planning your social media marketing.
  • Develop anticipation-It is often said that anticipation is better than the destination. 
  • Proper use of hashtags-Hashtags could be something that could even turn out to be more popular than your brand name.
  • Create exemplary content-Create attractive content that makes people read about your brand.
  • Collaboration is the key-Collaboration is the key to creating viral content.
  • Prepare and schedule-As the date for the launch is set, prepare for the day and schedule the list of posts for the launch with the help of social media scheduling tools like the recurpost.
  • Engage with your audience post-launch-Interaction with your audience is very important to keep your brand in the market and make it successful. 
  • Analytics-Measuring your efforts monthly, quarterly and annually to determine what’s best to achieve your goals.

For more details about the step click the link below


How to Post on Instagram From PC in 2020

Looking for solutions on how to post on Instagram from a PC or Mac?

Until this moment you may be thinking that posting on Instagram can only be done through phones. But now you know, you can post your photos on Instagram easily from your PC, whether it is Windows or Mac.

Instagram revealed earlier in 2020 that while browsing your feeds, you could send and receive direct messages from your computer. However, you can not officially post photos from a Mac or PC on Instagram, there is a trick to accomplish that.

And that we are going to tell you in this blog. Stick with us till the end, It's pretty easy to keep going once you do it.

How to post on Instagram from PC using a social media scheduling tool

This is probably the best option for managing your Instagram account from a PC or Mac. RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to upload content in bulk, plan your feed, edit, organize, and schedule posts in advance. You can also create recurring schedules using this tool.

Thus, along with the ability to post photos and videos to your Instagram account straight from your PC, you can access a lot of other features. You can create bags of hashtags and use them while creating a post. Thus, it eliminates the need to manually write hashtags every time. 

It also recommends the best time to post on Instagram! You can manage and automate posting on both personal and business Instagram accounts.

Click here to read our in-depth guide on how to post on Instagram from PC using RecurPost.

WINDOWS - How to Post Photos From Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

You can use these steps to post on Instagram from chrome, firefox, and the latest Microsoft Edge browser.

Here is the example of chrome, yet the process is almost the same for all three browsers.

  • Launch Chrome, and visit Instagram.com. (sign in to your account)
  • NOW, just right-click anywhere on the page and you will see the ‘Inspect’ option down at the bottom of the list. (Inspect Element in Firefox)
    Though, you can still open the inspect pressing F12. (in laptop use
    fn + F12)
  • A window will appear with random text. The only thing that we have to search is the Inspector tool's tiny tablet icon in the top-left corner.
    In Firefox, the icon will be on the top right corner in the Inspector tool.
  • Now click on that tablet looking icon, after clicking on it refresh the page. Now you are in the mobile view of Instagram.
  • You know what to do now. Just hit the + button to create a post.

If you can not see the post button, you have to refresh the page until that button shows up. You might be required to refresh more than once.

  • There you go, if you have done posting your favorite picture on Instagram, then click that tablet icon again and refresh to exit the mobile view.

MAC  Post Your Instagram Photos From The Safari Browser

  • Launch Safari and click on Safari at the top of your Mac's screen in the menu bar. Now select preferences next, and then click on the advanced tab.
  • At the bottom of the list, there will be a checkbox named “Show Develop menu in the menu bar”.

    Check it.
  • Next, open a new Safari tab and click on Develop > User Agent > Safari — iOS — iPhone in the menu bar. 
  • Now, go to Instagram.com and sign in to your account.
  • At the bottom of the screen, you will see the + icon. Tap on it and upload any photo from your PC.
  • You will be able to edit the photos and apply filters just like you can do from the Instagram app.
  • Upon completion of the upload process, ensure to change the user agent back to the Normal Setting to prevent viewing all the sites in the mobile state.


We hope that the above guide has answered your queries on how to post on Instagram from PC. If you just want to do it for once, you can go and use the browser methods. 

But, if you wish to schedule multiple posts in one go, want to manage multiple accounts, and also wish to see the analytics and use other advanced features related to Instagram, we suggest you to go for a social media scheduling tool. Sign up for free and try out RecurPost to check the features.

6 Social media trends in 2020 to grow your business

We all are aware of the fact that social media trends are ever-changing. There is something new coming up almost every day and going viral all around the world. The preferences and habits of people keep on fluctuating, and businesses need to be in-line with everything. 

Organizations have to carry out a continuous search for finding the latest social media trends in order to produce relevant content.

Therefore, here are some hit trends of 2020 that you can use to understand your buyer persona and mold your social media marketing strategy to get the best results.

1. Back to basics

The biggest social media trends in 2020 is the return to basics. That means, messages and content revolving around self-promotion will just not make the cut. Connections, community, and experiences matter the most now. The new way of thinking is that the relationships you create with your customers are more essential than the goods and services you offer.

“Less is more” is the concept that businesses need to realize here. People are searching for personal relations with companies and brands. Provide them that. Consider this trend to rule all the others! 

2. Personalized social media ads

Personalized marketing is all about delivering a customized message to the customer. Marketing is moving away from mainstream messages and mass audiences. It is not about everyone anymore. It is about customized marketing to your target audience, and social media is no exception.

Companies have started using databases to collect all consumer interest information, which can be used later to target them directly. Through using technologies such as algorithms and automation, it is possible to get personalized ads out there.

3. Rapid increase in use of social media automation

Automation, in any kind of department, makes work quicker and more effective. Many businesses manage multiple accounts on different social media sites. It takes a lot of time and human resources to keep track of all of them and manage all activities simultaneously. 

Using a social media scheduling tool makes a great impact and reduces the time that you spend behind posting updates on social media. RecurPost, for example, is a tool that lets you automate posting and also create recurring updates. It allows you to auto-schedule your content according to the best time to post on social media. By using this tool, you can ensure that you post the right content at the right time on your accounts.

4. Rise of user-generated content

This latest content version generates trust, promotion and can lead to sales too. Potential consumers are more likely to believe in the brand if they see such content in private profiles of people sharing similar interests. People like to see something genuine instead of something that is fake advertised.

Whenever someone shares something about your brand/products, take note of it, and reshare on your accounts. It builds trust and allows you to gain more exposure. 

5. AR transformation

When it comes to revolutionary marketing technologies, the most exciting trend is the Augmented Reality (AR). By using digitally generated images and features, AR enhances reality. This transforms consumer experiences practically in ways that they have never seen before. 

As far as AR and social media are concerned, adoption has been sluggish. But as technology expands beyond mere gaming, applications for e-commerce, personalized marketing, and product discovery will gain traction.

6. Geo-targeting

Joining the footsteps of SEO to help local brands increase organic traffic, social media sites now provide local targeting to brands. One common way that brands target local audiences is by geo-tagging their posts and stories.  Social networks such as Instagram offer an ability to search for posts from local places and specific locations.


Implementing some of the booming trends listed could be a great way to become more prominent on your social media platforms. The 2020 megatrend is high-quality, truthful content. People want to feel like they are part of the brand, and they want to be heard.

Know that you're not alone - everyone is just trying to find the right marketing plan. Begin experimenting on social media today and discover your path to success!

5 best Twitter post scheduler and automation tools

As compared to other social media platforms, Twitter marketing needs more attention. The average shelf life of a tweet is only 18 minutes. That’s the reason why you need to be more conscious of what you post, and how often you post on the platform. It is also necessary to find the best time to tweet in order to gain maximum engagement in the initial minutes of posting content. All this can be quite overwhelming when you are managing a lot of accounts together. 

To make things easier, using a Twitter scheduler is the best option for anyone looking to maximize engagement on their profile without investing a truckload of time. Below is the list of best Twitter post schedulers that you can try out for free!

  • RecurPost

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that offers the management of five social platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and GMB listings. It provides you with a free plan using which you can manage 3 social accounts of your choice. It also recommends the best time to tweet on your accounts.

What makes RecurPost the best Twitter scheduler is its feature to generate tweet variations. Twitter doesn’t allow posting of the same tweet content more than once. Thus, if you wish to upload the same tweet twice or on multiple accounts, you need to modify it a bit and then upload. RecurPost makes this a lot easier by helping you generate tweet variations! Thus, you can schedule recurring tweets without any worries.

  • Feedly

There is no doubt that content curation is one of the greatest problems of social media scheduling. Feedly's website automatically compiles content to fill up your social media calendar. Instead of searching for news or related pieces to be released to your audience in-between your own scheduled social media messages, Feedly does the heavy lifting for you.

Again, maintaining your social media feeds isn't meant to take up all your free time. Tools like Feedly take the pressure off of marketers to constantly save and bookmark content for future sharing.

  • Airtable

If you can’t tell by now, social media scheduling and content creation go hand in hand. Airtable puts together content planning and social media scheduling processes. It will help you in crafting out the content that’ll be loved by your audience. The platform can be used by teams or individuals not only to prepare future content but also how these posts will be promoted through different social platforms.

Another feature provided by this Twitter scheduler is the asset manager. This feature gives users a sense of continuity through promotions and advertisements until they click "publish."

  • TweetDeck

Connecting with Twitter in an instant, Tweetdeck is a quick scheduling method that enables you to schedule tweets across multiple accounts. TweetDeck comprises of a series of customizable columns. They can be set up to display your Twitter timeline, mentions, messages, Twitter lists, trending topics, search results, favorites, hashtags, or all tweets by or to a single user.

The app uses the automatic and invisible shortening of Twitter’s own URL, whereby a link of any size can use just 23 characters out of the 280-character limit of a Tweet. You can filter all the columns to include or exclude words or tweets from users. 

  • Planable

Planable has several features of a social media scheduling tool with a focus on teamwork and collaboration. Planable's comment and approval system for planned social media posts is the most prominent. Team members can go back and forth between comments to fine-tune the planned content before it goes live. Users can either accept posts internally or wait for the approval of the client if they work as part of any agency.


Each Twitter scheduler has its own collection of features, so your decision is going to come down to what matters most to you. To begin with, we can recommend starting with the free plan of RecurPost, where you can manage 3 Twitter accounts together. Click here to sign up!


We all are packed in our homes and fighting with a pandemic that is affecting the entire globe. The world around us has suddenly turned upside down. The COVID - 19 virus is getting uncontrollable and there is no end in sight till now.

Industries have shut down, offices are closed, shopkeepers are having fewer sales and people are struggling with lost jobs. Still, everyone has to do their part in reducing the fear and panic caused by the pandemic. 

The details about the virus and its effects are something that you already know about. It is the time for a dissimilar conversation, a talk about social media and how it is impacting people during this Coronavirus pandemic.

During the 1918 flu pandemic, which affected the 1/3rd of the world's population, people were not having access to social media as we have in the 21st century. Can you imagine a random school teacher coming to your house and suggesting you to wash your hands? Well, that’s what happened during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Today, with the help of social media, we are not only getting the latest news updates but are also using it to provide personal and business information. This is a great way for businesses to show support to their employees, clients, and customers. And the government authorities are also using social media, especially Twitter, to provide facts and updates about the COVID 19 pandemic.

But, there are always two sides to a coin. While social media is used to spread positivity and information, it is also being used ferociously for spreading fear and numerous rumors. Let’s see what impacts have social media made - both good and bad - and how it can be used more carefully while battling with the Coronavirus pandemic.

Pandemics that occurred in the social media age

Before the COVID 19 pandemic, three other pandemics occurred in the past ten years, when social media was used throughout the world. The H1N1 swine flu pandemic, Zika outbreak, and the Ebola virus - all of them affected the social media conversations. 

A few years ago, around 2014, health organizations started to launch campaigns on social media. Influencers also helped them in spreading information to people. But still, social media sites were not able to identify the fake accounts and those who were spreading misinformation. 

Today, that is completely taken care of as there are measures taken to remove and close down the accounts that are doing harm to the community. The functionality of social media sites is improved, a verification badge is given to big influencers, organizations are communicating better, and people are more cautious about what they share on their profiles.

A method of communication

Countries around the world are under lockdown and millions of people can not leave their homes, let alone leaving their cities. The people who are tested positive with Coronavirus are kept in isolation in medical wards. In such a condition, social media is the only way in which people can communicate with one another. The patients are also using it to share their stories with the outer world.

People are documenting their day to day activities and how they are spending their quarantine. Everyone is sharing positive quotes, news updates, and supporting each other virtually. A big example of this can be the people who got stuck in the Diamond Princess Cruise Liner when the lockdown was announced. 

Around 3500 people were grounded, including 700 positive COVID 19 patients. They were not allowed to meet with each other and stayed in their cabins for the entire time. The only source to communicate with their families was social media. A bunch of videos and blogs went viral showing how they were fighting the battle.

A ray of positivity in the pool of fear

The ability to share things with friends and family has helped a lot in the isolation period. Along with the false information and fearful messages, there is also a plethora of life-saving information available on social media. Global unity has been established reminding us that we all are in this together.

Also, there are many laborers who worked on a daily basis and fed their families. With the lockdown, they have lost their sources of income. To support them, a lot of communities, organizations, and individuals have come together. Fundraisers have been organized and people are asked to contribute through social media. 

People are feeding stray animals, picking up groceries for those who can not leave their homes and distributing daily essentials to the poor. Policemen are served with homemade fresh food, hand sanitizers and masks are being distributed to those who need them. And all these things are shared with the world through social media to motivate people and do their bit in this pandemic. 

The doctors, nurses, other health workers, policemen, local authorities, sweepers and cleaners - all are being appreciated throughout the world by applauds, garlands and reward money. Isn’t it beautiful?

Mental health awareness

There are several individuals who are sharing how difficult this time is for them and how it is impacting their mental health. An overwhelming support is shown to them through posts and comments. Groups have been made on FaceBook for mental health awareness and how people can stay stable during this period.

Soothing and satisfying posts of people have ranged from videos of doing yoga in the living room to photographs of them snuggling with pets. The COVID 19 patients are making videos on how they are fighting with the pandemic and are asking people to stay home and support the world.

These are just small examples where people have shown care and empathy on social media. In all the messages, one thing is constant - “You are not alone in this, and it is okay to experience what you are experiencing.”

How can you use social media as a brand during this pandemic?

  • Revise your strategy

As the world has shut down to stop the spread of Coronavirus, it is inevitable for you as a brand to change your marketing strategy. Do you have any posts related to marketing scheduled in the coming days? Are there any promotional ads going on currently? It’s time to pause them.

If you have anything running that could be considered as insensitive to the current situation of the pandemic, either remove it or pause it for a while. If you normally post a lot of times in a day, limit the number to one or two.

  • Share ‘em positive vibes

There is panic everywhere around. There is fear in the hearts and minds of people. Try to reduce it. Do not share anything that can possibly create panic among people. Instead, share something positive which makes people feel a bit good about the situation.

People want to feel that there is hope. There is still something to be happy about. That there are still reasons to smile and laugh. As long as you continue to uplift and inspire people, they will be thankful for the little bit of happiness and positivity that you spread in their mundane days.

  • Be informative

There are a lot of mixed messages that people encounter on social media. They are confused about what they should do when they feel that they are having symptoms of Coronavirus. Besides the normal suggestions of washing hands and staying at home, there are a lot of questions that pop up in the minds of people.

What you can do as a brand is trying to address some of these questions and spread correct information. Some of these questions are:

  • What are the symptoms of COVID 19 and where can I get myself tested?
  • How can I know the time when I should seek medical care?
  • Should I stay at home when I have minor symptoms?
  • Which hospitals in my city are handling Coronavirus patients?

Make sure that the information you are providing is medically correct and useful to people in one or the other way. You can directly share information from trusted sources on your social media accounts too. 

  • Focus on existing customers

Your existing customers are all free right now to help your business. Make use of that time sensitively and effectively. 

  • Ask for reviews and feedback - Tell people to send testimonials or leave reviews on your FaceBook page. (Note that Google reviews are inactive for a short period of time.)
  • Share company updates on social media and ask your friends and followers to share it too. Build a following and awareness in this time period.
  • Offer rewards if you have a loyalty program associated with your brand. If you don’t, then start one!
  • Give virtual consultations - there are many applications and Softwares available to connect with your clients digitally. There may be some ways you can continue to serve them during the pandemic.

  • Indulge in smart marketing

When you do not have to do hardcore promotions or run ads, how can you still continue marketing? There are many businesses that are cutting back entirely on marketing. You can use this smartly. Customers are generally restless in such times and keep on changing buying decisions and patterns.

So, don’t quit marketing completely as your customers are active on social media like never before! You can use certain tactics that will not make your business look insensitive and make people interested in your product at the same time.

For example, if you are a clothing brand, you can give people the option to book products in advance at a discount, and promise to deliver as soon as the lockdown ends. You can provide cash on delivery for gaining more trust and sales! This way, your business will not come to a complete halt in this pandemic too!

  • Provide customer care

Update your customers about the changes in your working hours. Communicate safety measures and operational updates via emails, website and on your social media accounts. Let people know how they can still access your products or services. 

Try to maintain a courteous tone while during conversations with customers. This is not the time for writing short answers, but for giving positive responses. 

  • Show a human face

Coming in front of the camera can be a bit pressurizing, but human connection is all that is needed during this pandemic. Make videos of how you are spending time with your families or how your employees are working from home and supporting your business

Not only that, but you can also think of doing a live session on Instagram or FaceBook. You can host an “Ask me anything” session related to your industry or talk about a recent blog post. The options are endless!

Be there to offer support and advice by using social media during this COVID 19 pandemic. Wash your hands and rock the quarantine!

6 Amazing Christmas marketing campaign ideas to increase profits

It's never too soon to start planning for the festive season.

Or is it?!

As the days begin to get shorter and the sweater weather kicks in, people already come in the mood for Christmas! And, this also happens to be the perfect time to begin collecting ideas for your Christmas marketing campaign. 

To help you a bit, we have listed down some great Christmas marketing campaign ideas below. Pick out the ones that suit your products the best (or just implement all of them!) and begin attracting customers!

  • In-browser push notifications

Christmas is a perfect time to set up push notifications on your site. Push notifications will give you a clear connection of contact to subscribers in order to tell them whatever you want, and prompt them to take a certain action. For example, a flash sale, last days to purchase before Christmas, etc. Just keep in mind to use them carefully, because you don't want to overwhelm your customers with too much data. 

  • Collaborate with other small businesses

Are you aware of any other problems that your customers face that your products cannot solve? For instance, say that you are selling high-end coffee. Now, your customers will definitely need a coffee mug/coffee pot too. In such cases, you can team up with another company that provides customized coffee mugs or pots and expand your audience base. 

As the combo can also make a great gifting option, you can market it smartly to increase sales. This Christmas marketing idea is one that can carry over into the New Year and help your products meet a new audience!

  • Create social media posts in advance

Social media is undoubtedly the best platform to keep people updated about your offers and discounts. As only a few days are left till Christmas, it is crucial that you post consistently. You can plan all the content in advance and schedule them using a social media post scheduling tool. If you are not sure of which tool to use, you can try out RecurPost. It is a social media scheduling tool that lets you schedule heaps of content in advance on all major social media channels. This will save you a lot of time and eliminate the need for posting manually every day.  You’ll also be able to see analytics of your posts and audience insights.

  • Update your website images

Anyone who visits your website, blog, or social media accounts should know that you have a Christmas promotion going on. Use the festive colors - red, green, and white to decorate your landing pages. Also, update the profile picture and cover photos on your social media channels to show the ongoing discounts. 

  • Sell solutions

There are a lot of businesses out there selling products. Don’t be one of them. Instead, focus on selling solutions. Find out a problem that your target audience is facing and let them know how your products can solve the issues. Showcase how the products are going to improve their quality of life. The best way to do this is by making videos of your products while using them. It builds trust and pushes people to make a purchase.

  • Create a gifting guide

A gifting guide is a guide that suggests people with products that they can buy as gifts for their family and friends on festivals. People are generally confused about what to gift and this is where your guide can help them make a decision. Pick up your best products and showcase them in the guide. Create a landing page where all these products are shown and promote it on social media channels.

There you have it!

Use all of these Christmas marketing campaign ideas and you’ll see an increase in your sales in no time! Be festive and try to lighten up the lives of others through your work. But at the same time, you have to remember that you are a marketer and work on the strategies that let you one step higher from your competitors.

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/13-christmas-marketing-campaign-ideas/

How to use LinkedIn as a b2b marketing platform

LinkedIn is a social networking site that is used specifically for the business community. LinkedIn is the social media platform that allows users to connect with other professionals worldwide.

If you wish to promote your channel on one specific platform, it should be LinkedIn.

The numbers show that the platform isn’t just a good choice for B2B marketers – it’s the best. 

The cost per lead is lower then conversion rates are higher as compared to other advertising networks. Plus, there are plenty of ways to find leads for free, and a couple of tools that make the process easy.

LinkedIn provides a number of options for target advertisement which helps you to target a specific group of people from the population with the help of social media to deliver your content only to them. Targeted advertising in its most basic form allows businesses to target a specific demographic, based on a number of different factors.

LinkedIn has made the target advertisements more interesting, by introducing Matched Audiences. Launched in 2017, Matched Audiences introduce a new set of targeting capabilities for business, which help in targeting a more specific demographic through Website Retargeting, Account Targeting and Contact Targeting.

Those 100+ million decision making users are proven to take action and with LinkedIn, it has become very easy. 

The guide how LinkedIn help and to use it in b2b marketing is as follows-

  • Business profile-A profile that describes your business in an attractive way that people like to visit.
  • Keywords-The use of the right keywords can make you reach your target audience. 
  • Community features-community features in LinkedIn help to enhance your experience. These features help you market your business.
  • Content-Good content attracts more audience if the content is not good the brand won’t be successful.  
  • Audio-visual-Nowadays, People prefer to watch the video as compared to written content as try to add video in your profile.
  • Consistency-Consistency is most important to keep you, clients, with you and get more clients. It’s not necessary to manually upload content every time. You can make use of social media scheduling tools link recurpost.
  • Showcase page-Showcase pages are basically made for B2Bs to generate leads. The key benefits are that they bring order to your LinkedIn marketing.
  • Sponsored Ads-Sponsored Content ads are the most convenient form for b2b businesses to generate leads.

To know the details about how to use and how LinkedIn helps in the marketing of your B2B click on the link below


Viral Marketing in 2020 – How can you make your brand viral

Viral marketing is an organic marketing method that relies on users to spread a message or content piece from a brand. Viral marketing is often unpredictable and never guaranteed, but, when done right, it can be a huge boost for business.

Viral marketing can be done only when there are one or more mediums to spread a message. The mediums should be a communication channel with pre-existing social networks, either offline or online. 

It’s important to note that vitality doesn’t necessarily mean positive.

The purpose of most viral marketing campaigns is to stand out, many campaigns have a few similarities that can be easily replicated and adapted.

It’s easy to say that viral marketing would not exist without social media. Without social media, there would be no vehicle for news or information to spread as rapidly as it does.

One of the best ways to spread a viral marketing message is by building a network of influential supporters to help disperse it. This can include hiring people with huge online followers to spread your message, connecting with journalists to cover your story and paying salespeople to introduce your concept to the people. The more people talk about your product, service or brand to people who trust them, the more successful your campaign will be. 

Viral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to make a business stand out. some strategies to increase your chances of going viral:

  • Right time

To make your content go viral, it is essential to post at the right time when more people are likely to come across your content.

  • Right audience

It is important that you keep in mind your target audience before creating anything. Keep your audience’s age, gender, location and preferences in mind before creating any content.

  • Right platform

The right kind of social media platform is going to help you in making your content viral. You should choose a platform according to your audience and content.

  • Right/unique content

Viral content is good content, it’s not important that it’s popular content.

  • Right people/influences

Choosing the right influences to promote your campaign is very important.

  • Right words

Creative hashtags are the time bombs of the viral marketing industry. They can make or break your campaign.

  • Right amount of sharing

The more your the better it is for your brand.

  • Right features

Using audio-visual content attracts people like no other. Make use of videos that convey a lot. Info graphics, memes, long-form content, posters ..use it all.

  • Wokeness 

Create content that is in no way derogatory to any particular community, race, gender, etc. The kind of content that is humane and up to date with the trending memes.

To know the details about Viral Marketing in 2020 – How can you make your brand viral click here

Social media scheduling tools: Top 8 software

Social Media Scheduling Tools can enable you to remain involved throughout various social networks, even though the social media marketing team has called it a day. Time and tide waits for none, and the world is not going to stop while you sleep. Since information technology is taking over the globe, more and more physical work is being transferred to technology. 

Thus, what makes you think that your social media networks can't be automated?

With your various customers, multiple profiles, busy lives and short time, it is still important that you handle your client's social media accounts with sheer smartness. To fulfill this requirement, you're going to need some smart scheduling tools to take the pressure off your back.

So, here is a list of 9 social media scheduling tools that will make handling of social media accounts as easy as pie.


The top one on this list ought to be Recur Post. It is the cleanest and most effective social media scheduling tool available in the market. It allows you to schedule and share your posts across all your social media accounts. This way, you will be able to upload the content at the best time possible.

It recommends the best time to post by using an AI-based scheduling system. RecurPost has a unique feature that enables you to download weekly white-label reports. Its riposting feature helps in driving new traffic without the need for creating new content every time.

Post planner:

Post planner is a very affordable and easy to use social media scheduling tool. It is an innovative and result oriented software. This tool aims to provide exceptional and measurable results.

You can search for the types of posts that are currently in trend by using the “Find” option. It helps in creating content without having to stress too much. This also reduces the time that you have to spend in searching and planning content creation.

It is trusted by over 276,000 people to manage their content with ease.

Social Oomph:

This tool offers various features for various social media channels. It's a perfect resource for people working in groups because you can add colleagues to your account, allocate them work, and organize people in various teams. This offers a 30-day free trial period that contains all of the premier features.

It also has the option of creating posts that will delete automatically after a particular period of time. Before using the name “Social Oomph”, it was named “Tweet Later”.


Sendible is the ultimate software to simplify your social media scheduling activities. It promises that it is more than just a social media scheduler, and helps in building social media accounts too.

Business people, freelancers and marketing managers highly depend on this tool to schedule and manage their posts, as this software has a user-friendly interface and is very easy to navigate. This tool also measures your performance with the help of Google analytics integration system.

Meet Edgar:

Meet Edgar sets your social media scheduling activities on auto-pilot. This tool basically was created with the idea of saving time and creating consistency in social media posts. The feature of evergreen posting automatically refills your queue. Thus, your queue is never empty and you do not ever run out of new updates.

Even after your content is posted, it stores them in a categorized format. It also auto-schedules your posts which helps in increasing engagement. Meet Edgar’s support team is always available to help you with all your problems and issues.


Flexible timing and unlimited single-click reports are provided by Agorapulse. The social inbox is one of the best features of this social media scheduling tool. It enables you to go through your social media mentions. It has a special queuing system which makes bulk upload very easy and effective.

The limitation is that it allows you to manage only 3 platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, these 3 platforms can be managed in a great manner and some users have said that it has worked wonders for them.

The analytics feature will help you to find out the people that are most interested in your content.

Zoho Social:

Zoho Social says that it is the easiest way to manage your brands on social media. One of the most interesting features is that you can build a publishing schedule and view a pipeline of content. It gives you predictions of the right time to post. 

The features that this tool provides are bulk and automatic scheduling, keyword tracking, multi-channel management, shortened links, and one window management. Like several other scheduling tools, Zoho social also has an analytics feature with in-built reports. 


Crowdfire is a social media scheduling software that helps you in finding content and publishing it too. Its unique feature is that it provides customized post suggestions for different social media platforms.

It allows you to check out what your competitors are posting - which will help you in formulating strategy and posts. There is also an application available for both ios and android.

There are many other social media scheduling tools available from which you can use. It’s all about finding the one that fulfills your requirements in the best possible manner. Compare all the options, their features, and pricing plan to know the best tool for you. 

Twitter Advanced Search: All you need to know

Whether you are looking to find out potential customers or provide service to the existing ones, whether you want to keep a track of your competitors or search for your brand mentions - you can do everything using the Twitter Advanced Search tool.

As a social media platform, Twitter is full of opportunities to generate leads. You can interact with your followers and turn them into customers very effectively. 

To go to the analytics dashboard directly, enter “twitter.com/search-advanced” in the browser. Alternatively, you can do a random search on the Twitter search bar and then click on ‘Advanced Search’, which is at the end of the Search filter box on the left-hand side of the screen.

What is in the advanced search tool?

Twitter’s advanced search tool box contains the following parameters:

Includes ‘all of these words’

Whatever words you enter in this field, Twitter will search for them in combination. For example, if you search for “Coronavirus cases in India”, it will show you tweets that contain all of these words, irrespective of the order.

Includes this exact phrase

When you want to search for words in exact order, such as quotes or complete names, you can do that here. For example, you can search for “Time and tide waits for none”, and you will see the tweets that contain this phrase, with words in the exact order.

Includes any of these words

When you use this field, it separates every word you enter with ‘OR’, and then undertakes the search query. So, when you have a lot of words or synonyms to search for, you can use this. 

For instance, you can write the name of a band, its custom hashtag, Twitter handle, etc. to find out the tweets where the brand terms are mentioned.

Includes ‘none of these words’

This parameter is helpful when you want to eliminate certain keywords from the search results. For example, if you see tweets containing reviews for “Samsung Galaxy S10”, but you do not want to see the paid ads, you can write ‘Samsung Galaxy S10 review’ in the ‘all of these words’ box, and ‘Paid ads’ in the ‘none of these words’ field.

Includes these hashtags

Filter the search results on the basis of hashtags that people have used in their tweets. This can be done when you want to follow a particular opinion or trend, say, for instance, #MotivationalMonday or #ThrowbackThursday.


There is an entire list of 42 languages from which you can choose. English, French, Hindi, Spanish, Dutch, etc. - every popular language is included in the options. It is great when you want to find out regional or cultural tweets.

Tweets ‘from these accounts’

This parameter can be used when you want to see tweets made from a particular account. Just add the twitter handle of that account in this field and you’ll get the list of tweets made by that account and also where that account is mentioned. It can be helpful when you want to see tweets made by your competitors together.

Tweets sent in reply ‘to these accounts’

This will show all the tweets made in replies to the tweets of a particular account. For example, say that you want to see what people are replying to the tweets of your competitors. Just mention the Twitter username here and you’ll see the results.

Tweets mentioning these accounts

When you wish to see the tweets where a particular account is mentioned or tagged, you can do that here. Generally, ‘from these accounts’, ‘to these accounts’, and ‘mentioning these accounts’ are all used together for conducting an in-depth competitor analysis.

Replies and links

When you are conducting any search and do not wish to see replies made on the tweets, you can change the settings here. Also, you can choose to see tweets with or without links.

Levels of engagement 

This is the field where you can choose to see the tweets on the basis of particular levels of engagement. You can choose the number of minimum likes, minimum replies, and minimum retweets.


Here, you can set the date range from which you wish to see the tweets. It can be helpful when you want to see the tweets related to any particular event in the past. Also, it can be used to filter out old tweets and focus on the fresh ones.

By using the proper combination of all these parameters of Twitter Advanced Search, you can find a lot of relevant information for your brand. You can find your potential customers, target them, and generate genuine leads.

Food blogging: 9 best Free Online tools

We all know that food blogging is not an easy thing. There are lots of things to deal with, such as good quality photographs to use, finding new topics, content promotion to make your blog reach thousands of people, and so on.

To make these all things effortless, quick, and effective; you need some sort of tools that makes your food blogging journey easy.

Thus, we have come up with the 9 best tools that will make life easier for food bloggers.

So, let’s dive right in!

1. Ubersuggest

To get loved by Google, your blog should be SEO Friendly. You can use Ubersuggest to find out keywords that are less competitive and high in search volume. It’s a free tool for keyword research, you can search up to 10 to 15 times. You’ll get 10 keyword ideas in 1 search.

You can even figure out what content to create for your next food blog using Ubersuggest’s Content Idea generator.

2. Foodiesfeed

As the name suggests, this tool will help you find high-quality food pictures that are royalty-free images. Foodiesfeed is a collection of beautiful natural-looking pictures of food that can be downloaded for free.

Food photographers from all over the world share the photographs they take. So, there’s no need to pay for a professional photo.

3. Canva

You might have heard this name somewhere. This is a well-known tool for creating all sorts of images with inbuilt templates. This helps a lot to a food blogger, for example, to create a design for your social media such as Instagram post/story, Facebook post/cover, blog banner/graphic, YouTube thumbnail, and the list goes on.

Canva is loaded with thousands of food design templates, which will assist you in preparing your creative in mere minutes.

4. Lightroom

You have got the picture that you would like to use in your food blogging site, but now comes the most interesting part - editing it. 

Lightroom is literally the gold standard in photo editing. It has an easy user interface, also it’s highly effective in fixing things such as exposure, white balance, etc. Adjust the lighting, contrast, highlights, shadows, clarity, etc. to enhance your photo. You can easily save your favorite adjustments in the form of presets and use them whenever you want in a single click.

5. RecurPost:

RecurPost is a social media management tool that will help you in scheduling posts beforehand. As a blogger, you need to make sure that you post right content at the right time on your social media profiles. RecurPost will help you in knowing the best time schedules to post and its content calendar will let you organize and plan properly.  It provides a lot of amazing features such as RSS feed integration, white label reports, team management, recurring updates, advanced editorial calendar, and a lot more. It also has an app that lets you manage all things on the go.

6. YouTube Analytics: 

If you have your YouTube channel then YouTube analytics is not the feature to skip. You can upload your latest recipe video or even you can review food that you have had somewhere.

You can interact with millions of people, it is the best thing about YouTube. With YouTube Analytics, you can see the insights, and know about your audience demographics, location, the device used to watch your videos, traffic source, and a lot more.

7. Yoast SEO

If your website is built on Wordpress platform then Yoast SEO is the plugin you need. This plugin helps you to boost your SEO content by helping you set a keyphrase and telling you precisely how to rank your content with that keyphrase.

It also helps you make your content readable by offering suggestions that you can easily integrate into your own style of writing.

8. My Recipe Magic

My Recipe Magic is a perfect platform to submit food recipes, making personalized cookbooks, menus, shopping lists, showing nutritional values, earning extra income, and bringing more traffic to your blog.

9. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a tool that helps you to build and manage email lists, newsletters, automated campaigns, etc. It has a free plan available that allows you to send 12000 emails monthly to upto 2000 subscribers. This is great when you are just starting with your blog and building your subscribers list.

Summing up,

Apart from using these tools to increase your productivity, you should also try some ways to increase the reach of your blog. Join Facebook groups, attend food blogging webinars, take part in online food blogging conferences, use interactive Instagram filters to make content shareable, and listen to food blogging podcasts to get productivity tips for your website! 

6 Best Hacks and tools for LinkedIn marketing 

One of the most powerful professional network on the internet today, LinkedIn is used by brands as a part of their social media marketing strategies. It can drive thousands of people to the company’s website and increase brand awareness.

With more than 690 million users, LinkedIn is probably the best social platform for marketing your business. It is kind of an asset for corporate marketing teams to get genuine leads for sales. It is a perfect blend of social interaction along with a professional setting. If you have not been using it to its optimum, you are certainly missing out on opportunities to boost your company’s sales. 

Besides Instagram and Facebook, it is necessary to incorporate LinkedIn in your social media marketing campaigns.

Use the following hacks to substantially grow your business using LinkedIn’s platform.

  • Create a full-fledged LinkedIn profile

As a brand on social media, the first thing required is a fantastic profile. Sign up for a company page and upload your logo as the profile picture. Do not keep any kind of non-professional image. Set the cover picture as something that describes the products or services of your brand. In the about us section, let people know the vision, mission, achievements, and how you help your clients or customers. Enter the link to your website, add your industry, and your company type.

  • Share content that adds value

For making a presence anywhere on the internet, content is required. Not just any content, but the one that gains attention of people and provides them something valuable. When you post on LinkedIn, be industry specific. Find out the topics related to your niche and share information related to it. You can share the latest industry news, links to blog posts, tips and tricks, etc. this kind of content will draw the highest engagement levels to your post and profile. 

  • Be a part of LinkedIn groups

Search for groups that belong to your industry. Those are the places where you can go to make connections and conversations with like-minded people. In groups, you will be able to discuss about your own ideas, thoughts, ask questions to experts, and also give answers to others’ queries. Also, after being an active member for a while, you will find out potential clients and make connections with them. You just need to find the correct groups and send a request to join them.

  • Utilize the potential of LinkedIn ads

By using LinkedIn ads, you can push your posts onto an individual’s feed. The pay per click feature will enable you to target people on the basis of location, age, gender, company name, job title, industry, skills, schools, or even groups. LinkedIn also provides the feature of sponsored In-mails, which lets you send messages to people without the need of connecting to them. This is very useful when you want to send ads to a highly targeted audience

  • Plan your post scheduling properly

Posting regularly and staying active on LinkedIn definitely requires a lot of time and energy. In order to ease your process, you can use a social media management tool. RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool which provides a LinkedIn scheduler as one of its many features. You can create a lot of content at the same time and then schedule it using the editorial calendar. This way, you can post the right content at the right time. It is also possible to target an international audience by scheduling content according to their country’s time zones.

  • Do not just post about your products 

As similar to other social media platforms, LinkedIn should also be operated with the 80/20 rule. 80% of the content that you post should be informative, and the rest 20% should go for product promotion. Catch up on the latest trends and talk about them. Ask people’s opinions on matters related to your industry and express yours too. Be interactive with your audience - that is the only way you can build a reputation on the platform. 

In conclusion,

By using LinkedIn the right way, you can generate leads, meet prospective clients, and level up your overall marketing. You might also be interested in knowing about Twitter marketing, Influencer marketing, and Instagram marketing. Click here to read some tried and tested tips and tricks to grow on your social media platforms!

Financial services: 5 best actionable social media marketing tips 

With the rapid increase in use of social media, all the brands have started using the top social platforms to build awareness about their products and services. But, the financial services sector is facing its own set of difficulties when it comes to promoting their products on Instagram or Facebook.

Selling an insurance policy is indeed a tricky task as compared to selling clothes or beauty products. That’s the reason why many financial services providers stay away from putting efforts into social media marketing campaigns.

The nature of social media makes people consume a lot of information within a small time frame. And in contrast to that, the processes involved in investing in financial services is quite complex. So, you will have to build a strategy and create content that will attract people to check out your service - and the below tips are going to help you a lot!

  • Gather insights related to your industry

Discover what’s happening in your field. Use social media listening to know about what your competitors are doing and how people are reacting to their posts. Find out about new product launches done by other companies.

By learning about what is being done by your competitors, you can find out the loopholes and provide the customers with something better. You will even find out topics on which you can make videos or write blogs. Even if you are not ready with your strategy, you can craft out a great one by observing what is already done by others.

  • Build brand awareness

According to the fortune 500 financial services, photos and videos are the best way to build engagement and increase brand awareness. Gaining followers and generating leads can be done later, you need to focus first on letting people know how your financial services can help them. 

The use of social media goes well beyond looking for sales. Provide informational and educational content to your audience. Let them know the importance of investing and how they can do that while managing their daily expenses.

  • Optimize your posting strategy

By this, we mean that you need to upload the right content at the right time. You have to identify the peak times when your target audience remains active on social media channels. Prepare the entire week’s or month’s content together and schedule all of it using a social media management tool. 

RecurPost is a great social media scheduling tool using which you can schedule content on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google my business. It will also let you know the best times to post on different platforms.

  • Strengthen the relationships with your audience

Trust is the major factor required in the industry of financial services. And that’s why building relationships is one of the most important things to do while being on social media. The process of interacting with new prospects on social media is known as social selling. It is all about building relationships that convert into sales in the long term. 

For example, when a connection on LinkedIn gets a new job, or buys a new home, send them a congratulations message and try to have a conversation without making a sales pitch.

  • Take advantage of Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to reach new audiences in a short period of time. Find the influencers who relate to your industry and promote your products through them. Micro influencers will give much better results than macro influencers. They will show your brand in a way that relates to their followers.

To sum up,

Harnessing the perks of social media is difficult for financial services, but nothing is impossible to do when you know the right way to do it. Use all the tips smartly, and you will be able to grow above the others in no time!

Google my business: Tips to optimize your listing and rank higher

A significant first step in any local SEO plan is to claim and verify the Google My Company (GMB) listing for your local business. When you make a Google my business listing, your business will show up on Google maps, Google app search, and there is a chance of appearing in the Google local pack too. All qualifying local businesses can make this listing for free and upload important information about their company.

Over the past several months, Google has added some features to the Google my business tool that, when utilized properly, will enhance your overall local presence and improve your ranking in the search results. 

Many local businesses just make their google business listing and then forget about it. To utilize its complete potential, you need to give it constant attention. Here’s how you can optimize your Google my business profile and gain more visibility:

  • Complete all the details

In the process of optimizing your Google my business profile, the first step will be to fill in all the accurate, comprehensive, and updated information. The most crucial pieces of information include your business name, address, and phone number - also known as NAP. Apart from these, whenever someone visits your profile, they should be able to see the following details:

  • Website link
  • Operating hours (Opening and closing time)
  • Business logo and cover picture
  • Business description (750 characters)

When you make your listing complete, you’ll have a bigger chance to be recognized by Google and rank higher.

  • Select a relevant business category

The selection of your business category is essential and will help Google in deciding which searchers does your local listing belongs to. You can select up to 10 categories for one local listing. Google has a set of pre-decided categories from which you need to choose. You cannot create your own category on Google my business. If you cannot find the exact match, it is safe to settle with a little broader one.

  • Upload high-resolution photos

Undoubtedly, image optimization is the easiest way to get more performance out of your Google my business profile. Images that have photos receive 60% more attention than others. You can add pictures of your office, products, employees, team members, exterior, etc. Creating a virtual tour video or a 360-degree image is a huge plus. The website click percentage also increases by 35% when people have a glance of your business from your profile.

  • Utilize the posts feature to raise conversions

Google my business has an option of uploading posts with a caption of 1500 characters. A post stays on your profile for 7 days. It is an amazing feature to keep your audience updated about events, news, discounts, offers, and other important information related to your business.

If you find it difficult to upload posts every week, it is advisable to prepare a lot of them together and then schedule them using a Google my business post scheduler. RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool using which you can schedule your posts in advance. You can also create recurring schedules to use your posts more than once. Click here to check it out for free!

  • Manage reviews

Reviews can change the way people think about your business. On average, a user goes through at least 10 reviews before contacting a business. Thus, it is very essential to have positive reviews on your Google my business profile. Make it a habit to respond to each and every review you receive. Appreciate the ones who leave a positive review and address the issues of the ones who leave a critical review.

To sum up,

Optimizing your Google my business listing is not at all a difficult thing to do. You just need to focus on updating all the essential details and post from time to time. After optimizing, you can also run google ads to maximize your visibility. Start optimizing and see your business boom!

How to manage multiple Twitter accounts from a single dashboard

If you are in the need to manage multiple Twitter accounts, there can be mainly two reasons:

  • When you are a social media manager/agency
  • When you are a brand having multiple accounts for multiple product ranges.

Being a social media manager, you obviously have to take care of numerous social accounts together. On the other side, being a brand on social media, you might have to create multiple Twitter accounts for different products or departments and craft out the perfect Twitter marketing strategy

Doesn’t matter what your reason is, there are two ways in which you can manage multiple Twitter accounts at the same time.

The major difference between both these options is that using Twitter, you can manage up to 5 accounts only. But using a social media scheduling tool, you can manage as many accounts you want to.

Managing multiple accounts on Twitter

Log in to any one of your twitter accounts. On the left-hand side, there will be a panel. At the end of it, you will be able to see your profile icon and username. Click on it and a small drop-down menu will appear. Select “Add an existing account”. A pop-up window will appear asking you to provide the Twitter username/email address/phone number and password. Enter the details and your account will be added. Repeat the same process for adding multiple Twitter accounts. You will able to switch between all of them from the same left-hand side panel. At the end of it, after clicking on the profile icon, you will see the list of all the added accounts.

Using a social media scheduling tool to manage multiple Twitter accounts

When you have to manage more than 5 Twitter accounts, using a social media scheduling tool is the only way left. Besides managing multiple Twitter accounts at the same place, you will be able to do a lot of other things too.

you can use RecurPost, our social media management tool, to make your work super easy. You can begin with a free plan and upgrade whenever you wish to. Here are the steps to get started with the tool:

Step 1: Getting registered

Go to www.recurpost.com and click on the “Sign up free’ button on the top right corner. Enter your name, email address, and set a password. Click on “Create an account” and you will be taken to your account’s dashboard.

Step 2: Connect Twitter accounts

From the left-hand side panel, select “Connect Twitter”. From the pop-up window, click on the Profile button below Twitter’s column. On the next screen, enter your Twitter username and password, and your account will be connected.

When you are using the free plan, you can only add one account of each kind. You can select from a wide range of plans available according to your requirements.

Step 3: Schedule tweets

Once your account is connected, you can start creating content libraries and schedule posts to go out on your Twitter account. RecurPost offers bulk scheduling, which will help you in saving a lot of time while sharing the right content at the right time.

Step 4: Monitor reports

From the Reports section of RecurPost, you will be able to gather a lot of data about the activity levels on your Twitter account.

  • Audience engagement graph will show you the likes and comments received from your target audience.
  • Insights graph will display the number of impressions, reach, profile views, and followers received.
  • Audience country chart will show the countries from which you are getting traffic from twitter.
  • Audience demographics will display the gender and age group of your followers.
  • Post performance will display the most popular posts according to likes received.

To sum up,

Using RecurPost, along with managing and scheduling posts on multiple Twitter accounts; you can post tweet variations, download white-label reports, create social media calendar, create bags of hashtags, and improve your social media branding.

The best times to post your content on Facebook

Building a presence on Facebook is one of the most important parts of any brand’s social media marketing strategy. You need to make sure that your post reaches the maximum number of people, because your engagement levels depend on the number of people who actually come across your content. The recent algorithm has made it quite difficult to be seen on your Facebook target audience’s feed. That’s why you need to know when your followers are online and find out the best time to post on Facebook.

The average lifespan of a Facebook update is just two hours. So, it is very crucial to make at least 75% of your audience see and interact with your content in the initial hours of posting.

Below are the findings of the best times to post on Facebook for different industries:

  • Best time to post on Facebook for tech industry

Best days: Wednesday and Thursday

Best time: 8 AM to 3 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for consumer goods industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for education sector

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for healthcare industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 2 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for media sector

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 7 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for non-profit sector

Best days: Tuesday to Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for finance sector

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 6 AM to 3 PM

Worst days: Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for creative/sports sector

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 3 PM

Worst days: Sunday

Analyze Facebook Audience Insights

Facebook Analytics offers a great pool of information about your audience’s behavior. Businesses normally use these insights to run targeted Facebook ads, but you can also use it to find out the best time to post your content. You can also find out their age, gender, location, and buyer persona.

Go to your page’s insights dashboard, and click on the ‘Posts’ option from the left-hand side menu. You will find the average times when your followers are online. For each post, you can compare the engagement received and see the date and time when it was posted. This can help you in determining the optimal time to upload future posts.

Use social media scheduling tool to manage your FB account

Using a Facebook post scheduler will help you in managing your account smoothly. RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool using which you can post the right content at the right time. Its AI-based time share optimization recommends you the best times according to the engagement that is received on your posts. It provides you with a user-friendly app that helps you in managing your social media on the go.

Discover your own best time to post on Facebook

Using the above industry research and analyzing your Facebook insights, you can start experimenting with your posting timings. Prepare a spreadsheet and note the timings on which you post, the days of posting, likes and comments received, impressions, shares, etc. Do this for some months and you will have your own tried and tested data for your Facebook target audience. Also remember that, to attract people and make them interact with your content, you need to provide consistent valuable information.

LinkedIn Post scheduler: How to auto-schedule using RecurPost?

The only professional social networking site, LinkedIn is a platform that no marketer can miss to build an online presence. Whether you are focusing on B2B marketing or B2C marketing, putting your efforts on LinkedIn is going to reap amazing fruits for your business. In order to carry out successful LinkedIn marketing, you need to be consistent with the posts that you upload on the platform. That can be a bit time-consuming when you do it manually, but using a LinkedIn post scheduler can make it easy.

Here, we are going to show you how you can use RecurPost to schedule posts on LinkedIn and save loads of time for other tasks. Apart from using its LinkedIn post scheduler, you can also connect and manage other social accounts. You can also see your performance reports, audience insights, and find out the best times to post.

Let’s see the steps to use RecurPost as a LinkedIn post scheduler.

  • Create a RecurPost account:

You just need to go to recurpost.com and create your account for free. There is no need to give any credit card details to start using RecurPost. You’ll only be required to enter your email address and name to get started with your scheduling journey.

  • Add social accounts:

    After creating your account, you will be taken to the dashboard. From here, you will be able to manage your social accounts as well as content libraries. On the left-hand side of the screen, there will be options to connect your social accounts. 
  • Connect LinkedIn:

    Select ‘Connect LinkedIn’ and a pop-up window will appear. Under the LinkedIn section, there will be two options: Profile and Company. Select the one that you wish to connect.

You’ll be taken to the login screen, where you need to enter your LinkedIn email and password. The next screen will ask you to give certain permissions to RecurPost in order to post on your account. Don’t worry, no personal information or login credentials will be saved or used by RecurPost. Click on ‘Allow’ and your LinkedIn account will be connected.

  • Add content libraries:

    The next step is to start creating content libraries. While on the dashboard, on the right-hand upper corner, you’ll see a button saying ‘ Add new library’.

While creating a library, you need to set three things:

  • Name of the library: Give your library a meaningful name so as to make it easier to identify it and quickly grasp the type of content that’s stored in it.
  • Color of the library: You can also add custom colors to your libraries depending on the content they store or the social platform they are made for. For instance, “Facebook posts” could be blue, and “Instagram posts” could be purple.
  • One-time use or Recurring library: In case you don’t want to post your updates recurringly i.e. in repeating cycles, you can choose to create a ‘One-time use library’. Updates in this library once posted, will expire and not used recurringly. 

Keep in mind that the updates you add in a one-time-use library are not recurring in nature and will expire once posted on your social accounts. Once you have set these details up, go ahead and click ‘Add Library’. 

  • Add new content:

You can choose to either add one-off update that will go out to your account just once or you can create an update in your library for repeated use. Head over to your Dashboard and simply click on the “Click here to share something on your accounts” box. This is where you’ll be creating your one-off post.

From there, you will be able to add in all the details of your update including the message i.e. description which can either be a link or simply textual content. You can also add images, GIFs, or videos by clicking on the down arrow beside ‘Add Media’.

After adding those details, select the social accounts that you want to post on. Now, on the right, you will be able to see a preview of how your post will look like on each social platform once posted like so:

Now, in case you also want to add this update to your library as well for later use or editing, you can do so by ticking the ‘Add this update to libraries too’ box. This means that your one-off update will also be copied to your selected libraries which you can later edit as per your preference.

Once you’re done with that, it’s now time to schedule your post. You can do so by ticking the ‘Schedule Post’ button and selecting your preferred date and time of posting. That’s it! Your posts will be uploaded on LinkedIn according to the set schedules.

Start with your scheduling on LinkedIn now for free by signing up on RecurPost. Click here to begin!

How to effectively use Instagram reels? A step by step Guide

Want to create engaging videos on Instagram? Then the new feature of Instagram reels is for you. 

What is Instagram reels?

In August 2020, Instagram rolled out a new feature for its users across more than 50 countries. The feature is marketed as a reaction to TikTok's success and a way to build similar content on the Instagram platform. Unlike IGTV, Instagram found that, in order for Reels to be successful and to be used frequently, the functionality had to be incorporated into the current Instagram interface.

In this way, Reels is really similar to Instagram Stories — and you also have access to the Reels camera from the same Stories camera. The Instagram reels video size is 9:16 - same as the stories. A reel can be of 3-15 seconds in length. Reels can be filmed directly from the app or a pre-recorded video can be uploaded from your device itself. Reels can only be uploaded through mobile devices - they are not compatible with desktops.

Reels can be uploaded to Stories or the normal Instagram feed in addition to a Reels gallery on your profile, and they can even appear on the Explore page. They’re pretty much everywhere on the platform! A Reels icon appears as a small clapperboard in the left-bottom corner of all Instagram reels. It is there to differentiate reels from the regular Instagram video posts.

How to create Instagram reels?

Instagram reels can be created straight from the Instagram stories menu. It is positioned either between the default Normal mode and Creates mode or on the bottom menu next to “Story”.

  • To use it, simply tap on the Instagram stories camera and click on the Reels option. Record the video or select one from your camera roll. While recording the video, you can start and stop the recording multiple times by pressing and holding the record button.
  • Tap on the ‘Audio’ option - music icon to select the audio that you want to use in your reel. You can adjust the speed of your video by clicking on the ‘Speed’ option - play icon. You can choose how long your clips will be by tapping the ‘Timer’ option - stopwatch icon. When you set a timer, there’s a countdown before the recording starts.
  • Select the ‘Effects’ option to add filters to your video clip. You can choose any previously saved filters and AR effects or you can scroll to the end and tap “Browse Effects”.
  • Once you are done with all these options, you can edit your Instagram reels. Use the draw and text options to customize your video even more. You can also use the stickers available on Instagram, just like you do in stories.
  • After editing, choose the cover photo from the gallery or from the video itself. Add the caption and hashtags just like you do while posting on your feed.

Now it is the time to share your reel! You can share the Reel to your Stories, Explore Feed, and the new Reels tab on your Instagram profile.


There are a lot of ways you can use Instagram reels as a business - create educational content, post behind the scenes videos, share information about products, reuse TikTok videos, make announcements of sales, and a lot more!

Apart from creating appealing content, you also need to take care of posting it at the right time. If you don’t know about the best and worst time to post on Instagram, click here to read the complete guide. Also, you can manage your Instagram accounts and other social platforms using RecurPost. It is a social media management tool offering an Instagram scheduler. From a single dashboard, you can schedule and publish posts, engage the audience, and measure performance. Try out its forever free plan today!

The complete guide to using Pinterest for business and blogging

Before we dig into the process of how to use Pinterest for Business purposes, here are some facts that you should know: 

  • The half-life of a Pinterest pin is 1,600 times longer than a Facebook post. 
  • The average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes pinning every time they log in.
  • Pinterest is not used just by females.
  • Only food and wedding images are not popular on Pinterest, it is popular for all categories.

 The shelf life of a piece of content on Pinterest is much more than on any other social media platform. On sites like Facebook and Instagram, the maximum engagement is gained in the first 24 hours of posting. But on Pinterest, it is different. Your content may appear for hours, days, or even months in the feed. And that’s the power of this platform.

How to use Pinterest for business

I order to successfully use Pinterest for your business, follow the below steps:

  • Sign up for a business account

You have 2 choices for this: Create a new business profile (apart from your personal one), or convert your personal profile into a business one. If you want to create a new account, go to Pinterest for Business and choose “Join as a business”. Enter complete details related to your business, accept the terms and conditions, and click on ‘Create account’. 

If you wish to convert your personal profile into a business one; Login to your account, Go to Pinterest for business, and click on “Convert now”. Complete the information and click on “Convert”. None of your data will be lost in this case. All your followers, pins & boards will convert to your new account. Everything will look exactly the same, except for a few additional features.

  • Verify your website

Without verification of your website, you won’t get access to Pinterest analytics. Go to the main page of your account & choose “Edit Profile”. Scroll to the bottom, add your website address & click “Verify”. You’ll see a pop-up with verification instructions - select “download the HTML verification file”. Upload the file into the root directory of your website via FTP or CPanel then return to your Pinterest profile & click the button that says “click here to complete the process”. You should receive a message that says your verification was successful & you’re good to go!

  • Set Up your boards

In the beginning, it is ideal to go for 5-10 boards. Name your boards on the basis of keywords, terms, or phrases. It will help you in optimizing your profile for search queries. Boards are searchable, so don’t miss an opportunity to get found through Pinterest's Guided Search.

  • Find and Pin content

Now that you’ve set up your boards, it’s important to start sharing content consistently. To set up your boards properly, we suggest initially pinning 5 articles to each board. This will fill the thumbnails displayed on each of your boards. As you begin to think about content, remember this: you want to share your own content, but you also want to make it a point to share other people’s content.

  • Include links to your images

When people click on a pin, they expect to be redirected to a landing page so that they can learn more about the concept or knowledge you shared on your Pinterest profile. This means that you need to ensure that the content/image contains a relevant link to the original source every single time – even if the link does not lead to your own website.


If used properly, Pinterest will offer enormous benefits to individuals, writers, and companies. It can drive a lot of traffic to your website and landing pages. Go get going and start your pinning journey today!

6 Best Content Marketing Tools to level up your sales

2021 is around the corner and we are come up with the best content marketing tools for you to consider this fall. You do not need to look out for the ton of different tools out there. Just consider these six tools that are and will be the best beyond 2020. These content marketing tools will help you to get the highest quality and ROI from your content efforts.

On top of that, it will also automate some tasks and processes of content marketing, save your time and effort, and eventually enable you to create and publish the best content.

SO without further ado, let’s get straight to it.

  • Buzzsumo:

You probably have heard this name. Buzzsumo can help you to find out the trending subjects in your niche. Not only that, but It also gives you data on similar influencers. You may also collect shareable content ideas that will be of benefit to your audience when you search for the trending topics and keywords.

Buzzsumo provides you a complete suite of insights from social analytics as well as news updates on trending topics. Moreover, It also assists you in your field to quickly identify influencers to follow and communicate with. For content scheduling, planning, and many other kinds of stuff, Buzzsumo is one of the perfect digital marketing tools there for you.

  • Grammarly:

Another great tool is on our list is Grammarly. For content marketers, bloggers, and business professionals who want to write precise their text content, Grammarly will never let them down. Checking out some useful features that Grammarly offers is that it simplifies your writing, checks grammar, plagiarism, spelling, and much more.

It is the most convenient checker due to its chrome plugin. That means you can install it on your chrome browser and edit your texts from wherever you are typing them, so you do not need to copy and paste each and every time.

  • RecurPost

A very important part of content marketing is publishing your content links on social media platforms. The pressure of posting the right content at the right time is indeed real. To cope up with this, adding a social media scheduler to the kit of your digital marketing tools can just be the right thing for you.

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that provides the management of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and GMB listings. It offers you an advanced editorial calendar using which you can plan months of content in advance. It has a lot of other features like recommendation of the best time to post, white-label reports, advanced analytics, Twitter variations, team management, etc.

  • MailChimp:

When it comes to the best content marketing tools, MailChimp is the one that comes to the forefront. Email marketing is considered to be one of the best types of content marketing. It will help you connect with your users, reach a new audience, and raise awareness of your brand.

Furthermore, Mailchimp can help you a lot in designing a good email campaign that shares updates, sells items, or tells your audience something valuable or beneficial. One of the effective features of MailChimp is the ability to create an email list with subscribers who are interested in your content.

  • Google Trends:

This is one of the powerpack and extremely useful tools. As the name suggests, Google trend helps you with a fast and simple way to find content ideas that have a strong chance of going viral. Whoever is in the blogging field, finding great and trendy content should be the first priority for them.

This is a relatively straightforward tool that does not offer a lot of extra special features. However, it is easily accessible and good for beginners looking for reliable ways to find ideas for content.

  • SEMrush:

Last but certainly not least, SEMrush stands for search engine marketing, and this tool gives you almost everything you need on your own platform to learn and engage. It helps you to identify your competitors' keywords and enables you to spy on them quickly and easily to identify out what the ranking is.

This is for organic traffic, but you can also look at the advertisements of your competitor, compare domains, and produce extensive analytics reports.

Final Thoughts:

These are the six best content marketing tools that can help you increase brand awareness and profit. The most significant thing is that you choose the tools for your product, brand, and consumer behavior that are most successful.

To start managing your social accounts like a boss, sign up for RecurPost’s free plan now!

5 best Planoly alternatives to try out in 2020

Finding the best social media scheduling tool for your brand? Or simply stuck with Planoly and looking for its alternative? A social media scheduling tool has to be much more than the function of scheduling posts ahead of time. It should have the capability to save your time spent on social media management and automate most of the tasks. As it can be a bit difficult, we have come up with this list of Planoly alternatives, which will make your decision much easy.

  • RecurPost

RecurPost offers posting on multiple social media platforms that Planoly does not offer. Unlike RecurPost, Planoly is limited to just managing Instagram, Twitter, FB, and Pinterest accounts. RecurPost also offers management of LinkedIn and GMB. It lets you upload content in bulk with ease. You can create, plan, and schedule in just a single click. You can curate articles or blog posts from your favorite websites by simply pasting the RSS address to RecurPost.

RecurPost also lets you generate variations of your Tweets to avoid violating Twitter's policy of forbidden posting of the same Tweet multiple times.  Through RecurPost's Advanced Analytics, it is super easy to track, monitor, and study the engagements received and social interaction. All this for absolutely free!

  • Tailwind

If your social media marketing strategy is all about visual content, Tailwind is one good alternative to Planoly. Crafted specifically for Instagram and Pinterest, you can quickly and easily build, clone, and schedule multiple pins or posts. Like all the best social media management tools, Tailwind provides scheduling intelligence, content tips, the opportunity to reset high-performance content, and strong analytics reporting.

Another useful feature they have is the option to crop photos on the website so you won't be tripped by the size limitations imposed by Instagram or Pinterest. The pricing plans start from $10/month for one social account.

  • Social Oomph

Social Oomph's interface makes it easy to connect your social networks, schedule content, and keep a constant stream of posts emerging across all of your feeds. The RSS feed feature lets you create automated updates that will be particularly relevant to your target market

For posts you make, you can choose to create them on the tool, or make a bulk schedule of posts on your device, and easily add them to SocialOomph. If you work in teams, you can tag your posts, so you can quickly find the content you need by filtering, and you can group stuff together.

  • Friends+Me

Friends+Me is another Planoly alternative that lets you schedule posts on 6 social platforms. One really exceptional feature of this tool is the ability to add an additional user. In most of the social media platforms, only one person can manage an account. While Friends+Me lets you share a subscription with one other team member.

The free edition also includes link shortening, zapier integrations, and a browser extension to make scheduling even faster. The desktop, as well as mobile applications, makes it easy to use the tool according to your comfort.

  • Meet Edgar

This intuitive platform provides a number of different approaches to content curation. You may build and schedule a single-use post or Meet Edgar will continue to post evergreen content consistently at suitable intervals until you feel it is no longer necessary.

Meet Edgar groups post into various content categories and ensures that you have a variety in your feed to keep your audience interested and informed. The combination of continuity and variety will allow your brand to stand out and support the goals of any public relations campaign you're running.

To sum up,

We can confidently say that by using the above list as a reference, you will be able to finish your hunt for the perfect Planoly alternative. Just begin trying out the tools and compare the features that each of them has to offer! 

Learn social media marketing online - top 7 free courses

Social media marketing is the process of producing content customized according to your target audience in order to increase engagement, and increase sales and website traffic. The content can vary according to different platforms.


Some platforms require great articles and blogs to be written, while others require high-quality video content. Each platform requires a different strategy to grow. 


For effective social media marketing, a mixture of the following things is needed:

  • Producing high-quality content
  • Running brand campaigns
  • Tracking the analytics
  • Interacting with your audience
  • Building relationships with people


You are going to need social media marketing skills to grow your personal brand and to attract a bigger audience. Doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a job, running a business or working for other businesses as freelancers, this skill is needed to excel. 


Here is a list of some amazing online courses that you can take to learn social media marketing techniques for free!


  • “Social media marketing Mastery 2020 - Learn Ads on 10 platforms” by Udemy


This is one of the best courses available to learn how to run advertisements on different social media platforms. Running Instagram advertisements, Facebook marketing, YouTube adverts, Twitter marketing, Pinterest selling - everything is included in this online course for free.


This course contains a total of 8 and a half hours of online teaching. There is a message board available too, to help the students with their doubts. For business startups and students, this is a great option to opt for learning social media advertising. 

  • “Social media certification” by HubSpot academy


HubSpot is a very known platform for learning varied topics online. This certification course provided by HubSpot focuses on how to attract customers and clients, and how to build brand loyalty.


This course is great because it focuses on Inbound marketing. Social media is the key to it, and this course ties both the concepts effortlessly. It takes about 5 to 6 hours to complete this online course which is very compatible with the daily schedule.


Measuring return on investment, maximizing reach of posts, and creating content are some of the things covered in this course.


  • “Facebook Advertising Blueprint” by Facebook


Facebook is one of the best platforms for advertising your business as it has over two billion active users. And what platform would be more good to learn about it other than Facebook itself? 


Facebook has been dedicated to making it easy for content creators to run advertisements on its platform. Still, many people face difficulties related to the same. As a result, “Face Book Blueprint” was launched a couple of years ago, to help people in setting up successful ads.


They teach how to create ads that meet your goals, how to set a budget for adverts and much more.


  • “Social media marketing specialization” by Northwestern university


This course designed by Northwestern university is perfect for people who are freelancing, who are executives or marketing professionals. It focuses on providing in-depth knowledge of social media marketing.


It consists of a total of six social media courses. A certificate is given by the university when you complete all of these courses. You will be able to write the exams and receive the certificate for a fee of $49 per month. 


But, you can choose the “Audit the course” option for getting all the instructional material for self-learning.

  • “Social media marketing course” by HootSuite academy


This online course by HootSuite academy provides beginner-level social media training. This site itself offers social media scheduling software and the training program is also led by its managers and directors.


This course also fits with the fast-paced life schedule as it is of only 6 hours. In this course, you will learn how to develop a social media strategy, grow an online community, and develop engaging content to attract your audience.

  • “Fundamentals of social media marketing” by Wharton University of Pennsylvania


Can’t even spare a little bit of time on weekdays but need to learn things in detail? Then this course is for you. The Wharton University of Pennsylvania has made a comprehensive certificate program that needs you to spend only 2 to 3 hours per week - for 6 weeks, which you can easily do on weekends.


In this online course, you will learn how digital marketing works and develop insights for social media marketing. You will get information about - digital marketing tools, social media advertising, targeting people, building engagement, influential marketing and much more. 


  • “Social media and Digital Marketing Apprenticeships” by Acadium


Learn from experienced business owners in distant virtual apprenticeships. Obtain professional experience at home, along with gaining knowledge in social media strategy and digital marketing.


This course from Acadium provides you with the insights of a business owner. The certificates that you get from this university will help you in building your resume and portfolio. You can obtain this certificate when you complete the online courses and the apprenticeships. 


You will learn Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing, Twitter marketing, Yelp marketing, SEO and basics of Email marketing in this online course.

YouTube Analytics: 12 Metrics you should know

In order to make the most out of your YouTube channel, you have to learn how to use YouTube Analytics to the optimum. When you want to grow your presence and create content that is appreciated by people, you need to know your audience’s behavior. And that’s where YouTube analytics comes to your rescue.

You might sometimes feel that analytics are boring, but it can immensely help you in molding your content strategy and attracting more people to your YouTube channel. From total video views to the number of unique viewers, from finding out audience demographics to seeing your most liked content - you can find every little detail using YouTube analytics.

Here are some of the many metrics that you need to put your focus on.

Video views and watch time:

The most obvious way to measure your success on YouTube is through the number of views and watch time. When a viewer watches your video for a minimum of 30 seconds, it is counted as one view. Watch time is the total amount of time that your audience spends watching a video.

Average view duration:

Your watch time divided by the number of views will give you the average view duration of a video. The same metric is also given in percentage form. A high average view duration indicates that people are engaging with your content and helps in overall ranking of your channel.

  • Impressions:

When people search for a term and see your video thumbnail while scrolling through the suggestions, it is counted as an impression. The number of clicks and views received through impressions is also shown as the click-through rate. When your click-through rate is high, it means that people are attracted enough by the titles and thumbnails of your videos to go further and watch.

  • Unique viewers:

When a person views your video 5 times, the views will be counted as 5, but the unique viewer will be counted as one. Compare this data with the total views that you get to have an idea of how many times people are re-watching your content.

  • Traffic source:

Want to know where your viewers find your video? You can check that here. ‘Traffic source’ metric breaks the sources of video views into 5 categories-

  • YouTube search
  • YouTube channel pages
  • External sources (website embeds and other links)
  • Suggested videos
  • Browse features (Homepage and subscription feed)
  • Geography:

When you are targeting the audience of a particular country (or countries), keep a check on this metric. Here, you will be able to find out from which country you are getting more views. Consider adding subtitles in your videos so that the language barrier can be removed.

  • Viewer age and gender:

Along with the geographical location, you should also check the age group of your channel’s audience. Adopt a flexible strategy that can cater to the needs of different age groups. 

  • Subscription status:

If you wish to know how many views are coming from your subscribers and non-subscribers, you can check that through this metric. In case you witness considerable views coming from people who have not subscribed, try to convince them to subscribe to your channel in the videos itself. Provide more valuable and relatable content to increase your subscribers.

  • Subscription source:

Through this data, you can find out the source from where people are subscribing to your channel. The sources are categorized as follows-

  • YouTube search results
  • Your YouTube channel page
  • YouTube watch page
  • Closed accounts (decrease in subscriptions by removal of closed and spam accounts)
  • Other sources (website embeds and links)
  • Device type:

What device is your audience using while watching your videos? Using this metric, you can see the percentage of people that watch your videos on-

  • Mobile phones 
  • Computers (Laptops and desktops)
  • Tablets
  • TV (Smart TVs and set-top boxes)

When you make a video, try to test it using different devices and make sure that small elements are visible properly.

  • Likes and dislikes:

After the number of views, the likes and dislikes received are used for measuring the success of a video. When you have a huge number of likes, it makes your video rank higher in search results.

Comments and shares:

The comment section is a place where your audience shares their opinions about your video. Keep a close check on them. Reply to all of them if possible to keep your audience engaged.

Also, see the number of shares, so that you can know whether people like your content enough to recommend in their friend circle.

To sum up,

Use this gold mine of YouTube analytics to develop an in-depth strategy and improve your performance. All these analytics together might make you feel overwhelmed at first, but it can give you the most valuable insights about your audience on YouTube.

 Facebook business manager: A complete guide for beginners

According to the latest statistics, Facebook currently has over 2.6 Billion monthly active users. So you can understand the potential of Ads on Facebook. Now that Instagram is also integrated with it, you can successfully run ads on both the platforms together using the Facebook business manager.

On Facebook, you can aim at your targeted audience. Running ads on Facebook will push relevant traffic to your website. As a result, it will help to increase your sales and maximize brand awareness.

We have the complete beginners’ guide, which explains everything about Facebook Business Manager tool and how it will help your business to grow.

But, first things first, you have to understand that what exactly the Facebook Business Manager is and how effectively you can use it.

Understand Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that can help businesses maintain their Facebook pages and ad accounts.

It’s a dashboard and portal that gives you quick access to the various Facebook pages and ad accounts.

Advantages of Using Facebook Business Manager

  • It is a super handy tool with you can easily manage all your Pages and advertising accounts in one place.

  • The best thing is, it keeps your company's operations separate from your personal profile.

  • It enables you to permit access to your pages and ads to suppliers, collaborators, and agencies, without handing over property ownership. 

  • Your Facebook's personal details can't be seen by colleagues, except your name, email, pages, and accounts.

Now let’s head for the process of setting it up.

How You Can Set Up Facebook Business Manager

  • In order to create your Facebook Business Manager Account, go to https://business.facebook.com/, and click on create account. (If you don’t have your business page ready then first you need to create one.)

  • Type your business name, your name, and your business email address that you will use to control your Business Manager account, then CLICK NEXT.

  • The next step will lead you to enter your business details which will include your address, phone number, country, website, etc. Then CLICK SUBMIT.

How You Can Add Pages to Your Business Manager

  • In the Business Manager Dashboard, CLICK ADD PAGE.

  • You can now type the name of your Facebook business page in the search text box. The name of your business page will autocomplete below the box, so you can simply click on it and add your page. 

  • If you want to add more than one page which is linked to your company, then follow the same steps.

Add Facebook ad Account(s) 

  • From your Business Manager Dashboard, Click on ADD AD ACCOUNT.

  • Enter your account details.

  • The next pop-up will ask “Who Will This Ad Account Be Used For”.

  • Select the one that suits your purpose and click on CREATE.

Add People (Business Partners, Employees, Teammates) to Your Business Manager 

  • From your Business Manager Settings, Click on ADD PEOPLE.

  • You can add specific people to specific pages, in the proper position that you want to assign them.

  • To add your Business Partners, click on PARTNERS in the left menu from your Business Settings.

  • Ask your business partner for Business Manager ID, and then add it under Partner Business ID.

Configure Facebook Pixels

Facebook pixel is a code that Facebook creates for you, which you can place on your website.

It provides you with access to information that will allow you to monitor sales, optimize Facebook advertising, create targeted audiences for your advertising, and point out leads.

To set it up,

  • Click on Business Settings.

  • You’ll find Pixels under the Data Sources menu.

  • Enter a name for your pixel. Enter your website so that Facebook can give you the best suggestions on how to establish your pixel, and then press Continue.

  • Click on the second option “Set-up the Pixel now”, if you wish to straightaway add it to your website. If not, click on the first option to return back to work on the business manager. As your pixel code will be created, you can come back anytime and resume the process.

Configure Payments in Your Business Manager

If you haven’t set up the payment method, then you can’t run ads.

To configure Payment, 

  • Go to the Business Settings and select the payments tab.

  • You can add payment via debit or credit card, and that can be used for authorizing ad accounts. That’s all, you’re good to go.

Do not forget to Enhance Security of Your Account

To set-up an extra layer of security,

  • Click on Business Settings.

  • Head onto the Security Center tab and select Set-up two factor authentication.

  • Setting it as necessary for everyone offers the highest possible protection.

The best & worst time to post on Instagram in 2020

Gone are the days when Instagram used to show posts in chronological order. As the algorithm has been changed to the most relevant content appearing on your feed (also considering the freshness of posts), it is now more important that you select the right and the best time to post on Instagram. This will make sure that your audience engages with your content.

Instagram is one of the top three social media platforms, and the users are only going to increase in the coming years. And when you want to get more engagement on such a platform, you need to know about the behavior of your audience. 

The better you learn about your audience, the better you will able to create relatable content that drives engagement.

We have observed the engagement levels that different industries receive during different days of the week and noted the timings when their posts got the highest likes, comments and shares.

Let’s have a brief look! 

  • Best time to post on Instagram for technology industry

Best days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 7 AM to 10 AM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially afternoons

  • Best time to post on Instagram for education sector

Best days: Friday, Saturday

Best time: 9 AM to 8 PM

Worst days: Sunday and Monday, especially mornings

  • Best time to post on Instagram for media industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially in mornings and nights

  • Best time to post on Instagram for healthcare industry

Best days: Tuesday, Thursday

Best time: 7 AM to 7 PM

Worst days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for finance sector

Best days: Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 10 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday, Sunday, Monday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for non-profit sector

Best days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Best time: 9 AM to 8 PM

Worst days: Saturday, Sunday, especially in midnights and evenings

  • Best time to post on Instagram for consumer goods

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sundays

  • Best time to post on Instagram for non-retail e-commerce

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 4 PM to 9 PM

Worst days: Saturdays

Till now, you might be reasoning that the best times to post on Instagram is during weekends. But, from the above data, it is quite clear that weekdays are best when it comes to posting as a brand. The reason behind it is that people are normally scrolling through entertaining content on weekends or upload their own posts.

Best practices to play with the posting timings

  • Know your audience

Dig into your Instagram analytics, and you will find all the gold there. The location of your audience, age group, gender, and other interests. Also, have a look at the timezone of your target group. Use all the data along with the above info to get the best results.

  • Experiment and measure

Carry out split testing methods and experiment with the posting timings. Maintain a spreadsheet that contains all the information including the post, date and time of uploading, and the like and comments received.

  • Tailor your content 

What does your audience like to see on their feed? What are the kind of posts with which they interact the most? Is your content providing them any value? Keeping all the things in mind, customize your content in a way that pleases your audience.

  • Schedule your Instagram posts

As a brand, it is better that you craft your whole month’s content in advance and then schedule them to go on your feed at appropriate timings. Using a social media scheduling tool like RecurPost, you will be able to make sure that you post the right content at the right time.

To sum up,

Knowing the best time to post serves as a base for gaining success on Instagram’s platform. By properly maintaining a balance of the above industry-wise data, your audience insights, and using a social media management tool; you will be able to gain immense levels of interactions and increased followers on your Instagram account.

10 Blogging tools that each budding blogger must use

Blogging is simply an art, and with the right tools, the art can shine. It doesn’t matter if you are having a well-established blog or just starting a new one - the smart use of blogging tools will help you in getting things done quite easily. To complement your writing, we have created a list of blogging tools. These tools will help you in everything from generating content ideas to marketing it effectively to the right audience.


BuzzSumo is one of the most strong tools that will help you discover blogging topics that are trending at a particular point of time. You need to learn what people want to read if you want to create material that captures their interest. Using this, you can find out content insights, conduct competitor analysis, and get keyword alerts.


Quora is a platform where people ask questions related to each and every industry and obtain answers from the experts. Using it, you can find out the queries and questions related to your niche. It will give you an idea of the topics that require a detailed explanation through a blog post. Just search for your keyword and look for the most asked questions.

Portent’s Blogging Idea generator tool

Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to craft that perfect title for your blog that attracts the readers at first glance. At those times, a tool to generate titles seems just right. You just need to enter a keyword and Portent’s tool will churn out a lot of ideas that you can use for your blog. There is no limit on the number of titles that you can generate.

Google docs

Many people tend to directly write the draft in the blog software on which they publish posts; for example, WordPress. But, when you have collaborators working on the same project, using Google Docs is a great option. You can create, edit, share, and export the document in multiple formats. You can also access the editing history and recover previous versions whenever you wish.


Grammar is like a life support for the correction of orthography and minor grammar errors. There is a Chrome plugin available which you can install and use on almost every website. From basic error to advanced - every minor thing gets detected. Use this while writing on Google docs, and you will see the best results. It is completely free to use, but also has a paid plan if you want to access more robust features.


What is a blog without images? Dull and boring. Whenever you write a blog, you definitely require high-quality images that compliment your words. Pixabay provides you with that - for free! You can find thousands of images for different topics and can use them for personal or commercial purposes without any licensing issues. All the images are royalty-free and can give an artistic touch to your blogs and articles.

After your month-long content is created, sharing it on social media is inevitable. RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule content ahead of time on different social media platforms. You can manage multiple accounts together, use RSS feeds, recycle your best performing content, and a lot more. Apart from the desktop version, it also has mobile apps available for android as well as iOS to manage content on the go.

Google analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics platform developed by Google to help you measure the traffic of your website. Data is represented in various forms such as charts, graphs, lists, pie charts, spreadsheets, etc. All data is collected in real-time and is perfect for preparing weekly, monthly, regular, or even hourly reports.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a plugin that is available for WordPress. It's an excellent tool to free your SEO and blog writing from mistakes. It checks the structure of paragraphs, readability score, transition words, use of active voice, and a lot more. You can set your keyword, title, meta description, slug, and image alt attributes to make your SEO perfect.

Mail Chimp
Create, send, and analyze email campaigns by using this email marketing tool by Mail Chimp. It has a free plan that allows you to send 12000 emails to up to 2000 subscribers. Keep a track of opening and click-through rate - and use the data to modify and improve your campaigns. 

These blogging tools will not only save time and effort, but also enable you to do multiple things single-handedly. Find out the perfect mix for you, send out right content at the right time, and notice the amazing changes in your writing process!

The complete guide to using Pinterest for business and blogging

Before we dig into the process of how to use Pinterest for Business purposes, here are some facts that you should know: 

  • The half-life of a Pinterest pin is 1,600 times longer than a Facebook post. 
  • The average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes pinning every time they log in.
  • Pinterest is not used just by females.
  • Only food and wedding images are not popular on Pinterest, it is popular for all categories.

 The shelf life of a piece of content on Pinterest is much more than on any other social media platform. On sites like Facebook and Instagram, the maximum engagement is gained in the first 24 hours of posting. But on Pinterest, it is different. Your content may appear for hours, days, or even months in the feed. And that’s the power of this platform.

How to use Pinterest for business

I order to successfully use Pinterest for your business, follow the below steps:

  • Sign up for a business account

You have 2 choices for this: Create a new business profile (apart from your personal one), or convert your personal profile into a business one. If you want to create a new account, go to Pinterest for Business and choose “Join as a business”. Enter complete details related to your business, accept the terms and conditions, and click on ‘Create account’. 

If you wish to convert your personal profile into a business one; Login to your account, Go to Pinterest for business, and click on “Convert now”. Complete the information and click on “Convert”. None of your data will be lost in this case. All your followers, pins & boards will convert to your new account. Everything will look exactly the same, except for a few additional features.

  • Verify your website

Without verification of your website, you won’t get access to Pinterest analytics. Go to the main page of your account & choose “Edit Profile”. Scroll to the bottom, add your website address & click “Verify”. You’ll see a pop-up with verification instructions - select “download the HTML verification file”. Upload the file into the root directory of your website via FTP or CPanel then return to your Pinterest profile & click the button that says “click here to complete the process”. You should receive a message that says your verification was successful & you’re good to go!

  • Set Up your boards

In the beginning, it is ideal to go for 5-10 boards. Name your boards on the basis of keywords, terms, or phrases. It will help you in optimizing your profile for search queries. Boards are searchable, so don’t miss an opportunity to get found through Pinterest's Guided Search.

  • Find and Pin content

Now that you’ve set up your boards, it’s important to start sharing content consistently. To set up your boards properly, we suggest initially pinning 5 articles to each board. This will fill the thumbnails displayed on each of your boards. As you begin to think about content, remember this: you want to share your own content, but you also want to make it a point to share other people’s content.

  • Include links to your images

When people click on a pin, they expect to be redirected to a landing page so that they can learn more about the concept or knowledge you shared on your Pinterest profile. This means that you need to ensure that the content/image contains a relevant link to the original source every single time – even if the link does not lead to your own website.


If used properly, Pinterest will offer enormous benefits to individuals, writers, and companies. It can drive a lot of traffic to your website and landing pages. Go get going and start your pinning journey today!

The best time to tweet for gaining maximum engagement levels

Imagine eliminating any guesswork while scheduling your tweets, understanding the best time to experiment with tweeting for maximum clicks, and maximum interaction. Twitter is a fast-paced social media site that needs you to consider more than just what you're tweeting. The time at which you upload your tweets is very critical. To get the best engagement for the Tweets you’re lining up in your content strategy, you need to know when to post on Twitter so that your content gets your audience’s full attention.

Thus, we have made this list which will let you know the best time to tweet according to the industry that you’re in.

  • Best time to tweet for media

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 4 PM

Best day: Thursday and Friday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for consumer goods

Best time: Saturday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Sunday

Worst day: Monday and Thursday

  • Best time to tweet for technical businesses

Best time: Tuesday to Friday - 7 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Tuesday and Wednesday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for financial businesses

Best time: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Tuesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for the education sector

Best time: Wednesday and Saturday - 8 AM to 9 PM

Best day: Saturday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for the healthcare sector

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 3 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for the Non-profit sector

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 2 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for recreation

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Friday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

How to find your best time to post on Twitter?

  • Dig into your Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics offers you a full rundown of your Tweet views, profile visits, and other factors of interaction. You can utilize Twitter analytics to monitor your success over time and create new posting techniques along the way.

  • Test out different posts timings using a Twitter scheduling tool

Unlike Facebook analytics, Twitter doesn’t directly tell you the best time to post. But also, as discussed above, it gives you ample knowledge to find the best time by doing trial and error. Just breakdown your experiments over one month. Each day of this month, post your tweets in the morning, noon, and evening at a specific set of times. Now, this seems to be a tedious job and that is where a Twitter management tool such as RecurPost comes to your rescue.

RecurPost lets you plan your tweets ahead of time and automatically post them on the time and date that you have selected. So this automated scheduling and posting method lets you play with various time slots without any problems. Apart from that, RecurPost studies your engagement levels received on tweets and then recommends you the best time to post. You just need to auto-schedule for the best time and RecurPost’s AI will take care of the rest.

Summing up,

Sending your tweets out at the peak times will not only help you connect with your audience, but will also eventually help you get in the sights of other promising prospects. Take inspiration from general popular time, analyze your own statistics in Twitter analytics, and use social media scheduling tools like RecurPost to post on best times. Sign up for a free account now and level-up your Twitter marketing game! 

6 major steps to identify your target audience

Identifying your target audience is one of the main building blocks of a successful marketing campaign. Often, all it takes to turn a company around is to take a careful look at who you're marketing to, and then change the narrative and overall plan accordingly. However, it is not as easy as it seems. Finding the right target demographic requires time, persistence, and the ability to take an analytical look at your consumers and company.  Before you just assume that you are targeting the correct audience, have a look at the following points, and you might be surprised by the results that you’ll unfold.

  • Examine your current customers

Understanding the traits and buying habits of people who are currently purchasing your product or service can reveal a lot about your company. Take a close look at this data and consider marking and modeling your current consumer list to find their location, age group, gender, lifestyle, and other insights. Also, recall past successes and see the campaigns that worked well. Identify the prospects who responded and take note of how the campaign influence their buying behavior.

  • Dig a bit deep and create segments

Each audience demographic can be further segmented to become more precise. For instance, if your product is aimed at HR professionals, these individuals may have a broad variety of specific characteristics. Those who work in a large organization may be skilled in a specific area of HR, such as the process of training. Others who work in a smaller company might be handling multiple activities together. Remember to think strategically about which sections of the audience are using your product or service, and how.

  • Check out your competitors

Keeping tabs on who your rivals are approaching and how they are/aren’t meeting their requirements will help you to identify your audience targeting strategy and distinguish your company. Examine both the well-established companies and the newly set up businesses. Discover their audience and their gaps, as you’ll want to target the audience that others have missed. Ask yourself, who is their target audience? How are they talking to them? What are they doing well? 

  • Challenge your assumptions

Don’t just rely on your presumptions about your target audience. Even if it's "who you've always advertised to," it's worth taking a detailed look and reevaluate as the company develops. This is where a detailed Marketing Audit can be extremely helpful. You may have thought that your customers will be using your product for a particular purpose. However, the surveys or interviews might reveal a different motivation for the customers.

  • Discover your audience

Now that you have a better idea of who your target audiences are, you need to figure out where to locate them and how they prefer to interact. This will help you assess the best combination of strategies and main messages that resonate with your target audience. Map out your customer journey. By observing how your current customers find and connect with you right now, you can gain insight into the most important touchpoints that end up in a sale.

  • Keep reassessing

With rapidly changing technology and increasingly heterogeneous markets, it is important to reassess your marketing strategy at regular intervals. Stop delivering outdated or repetitive messages just because you're short on time and don't presume that any concept or strategy is going to be effective only because it has succeeded in the past. Revise your audience profiles and customer profiles on a regular basis and refresh them on the basis of current data and test campaign results.


Finding out the right target audience will make a big difference in the success of your marketing campaign. One of the best ways to start with is a thorough Marketing Audit, which takes an analytical look at the marketing environment, helps you analyze your current marketing plan and strategies, and allows you to find the right target audience for obtaining optimal ROI.

Using a social media scheduling tool can also help you in finding the people who interact most with your posts. Besides using them to manage your social media profiles, you can use them to check the performance of your content and the kind of people who engage with your account. RecurPost is one such tool, which will provide you audience insights and their demographics. It will also let you know the best time to post on your social media channels in order to get the most engagement. Sign up for its free plan and see the results for yourself!

What is the best time to post on social media? [Complete Guide]

In order to get the best results out of the efforts that you put into content creation for social media, it is necessary that the maximum people interact with it. And for people to interact, it is necessary that your content is uploaded at the right time. Thus, we have made this complete guide which will help in figuring out the best time to post on social media platforms and get the optimum engagement.

Best time to post on Facebook

  • Best time to post on Facebook for tech industry

Best days: Wednesday and Thursday

Best time: 8 AM to 3 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for consumer goods industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for education sector

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for healthcare industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 2 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for media sector

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 7 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sunday

  • Best time to post on Facebook for creative/sports sector

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 3 PM

Worst days: Sunday

Best time to post on Instagram

  • Best time to post on Instagram for technology industry

Best days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 7 AM to 10 AM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially afternoons

  • Best time to post on Instagram for education sector

Best days: Friday, Saturday

Best time: 9 AM to 8 PM

Worst days: Sunday and Monday, especially mornings

  • Best time to post on Instagram for media industry

Best days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Best time: 8 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday and Sunday, especially in mornings and nights

  • Best time to post on Instagram for healthcare industry

Best days: Tuesday, Thursday

Best time: 7 AM to 7 PM

Worst days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for the finance sector

Best days: Wednesday, Friday

Best time: 10 AM to 4 PM

Worst days: Saturday, Sunday, Monday

  • Best time to post on Instagram for consumer goods

Best days: Monday to Friday

Best time: 9 AM to 5 PM

Worst days: Sundays

Best time to post on Twitter

  • Best time to tweet for media

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 4 PM

Best day: Thursday and Friday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for consumer goods

Best time: Saturday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Sunday

Worst day: Monday and Thursday

  • Best time to tweet for technical businesses

Best time: Tuesday to Friday - 7 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Tuesday and Wednesday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for financial businesses

Best time: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Tuesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for the education sector

Best time: Wednesday and Saturday - 8 AM to 9 PM

Best day: Saturday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for recreation

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Friday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

Best time to post on LinkedIn

As LinkedIn continues to expand and branch out into different professions, we have not broken down this data into particular sectors in order to ensure greater precision and a better understanding of how the network is being used today. Below is the universal best time to post on this social media site:

Best times: Wednesday from 8–10 AM and noon, Thursday at 9 AM and 1–2 PM, and Friday at 9 AM.

Best day: Wednesday and Thursday

Worst day: Sunday

Best time to post on GMB

There is no particular best timing to post on Google my business. A post made on GMB stays on the profile for 7 days. So make sure that you post consistently, a minimum of once or twice a week. If you can manage to post daily, it will bring out the best results!

To sum up,

If you are finding it difficult to post on all the platforms and manage them together, using a social media scheduling tool will be the best option. RecurPost offers you a social media scheduler, using which you can manage all the social media platforms from a single dashboard and bulk schedule content with ease. Click here to sign up for its free plan.

5 best HootSuite alternatives to check out for free in 2020

The world has risen to the influence of social media, which explains the extensive use of social media by individuals and companies in our day-to-day lives. It doesn’t matter where we are - at our homes, workplaces, on the go - we always have access to social networking sites. Not just one or two, there are a number of social sites on which people have their profiles. This increased use of social media has opened up doors for businesses to market their products and services to a targeted audience. Thus, social media management tools have been quite popular to deal with multiple accounts from a single dashboard. And Hootsuite has been a major player since the very beginning. However, you might want to consider some HootSuite alternatives, as there are now a lot of tools available in the market that provide the same services at a comparatively lesser cost.

Why is HootSuite so popular?

The key advantages provided by HootSuite are that it has an easy-to-use web interface, there is no need to install any software, and you can control and manage social media accounts in multiple streams from a single dashboard. HootSuite also lets you schedule your posts and upload them at your desired times, get comprehensive campaign analytics reports, get more likes and followers, and more.

Using HootSuite, you can easily schedule, publish, monitor, and analyze your social media activities. 

Why you should look for HootSuite alternatives?

Even when Hootsuite provides a wide variety of flexible plans to its customers, including a free trial - small businesses will not be able to utilize the true capabilities of this platform without investing a large amount of money on subscriptions. HootSuite has indeed an expensive pricing list, which might not be affordable for startups, bloggers, artists, and the like.

Thus, we are going to discuss about some of the top HootSuite alternatives that provide great features at a much reasonable price. The tools we are going to list are affordable for all types of businesses and take care of all the major social media management activities.

Best HootSuite alternatives in 2020

Are you looking for a tool that can provide you an unlimited trial period? Then RecurPost will definitely be your perfect pick. RecurPost offers a forever free plan, which you can use to try out the tool until you are ready to upgrade to a paid one. Even when you wish to upgrade to a paid plan, the pricing starts only from $15/month.

It offers all the features that HootSuite provides. It supports the management of five social platforms - Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google my business. Along with scheduling posts on social media profiles, it has a lot of additional features, which includes the following:

What’s noticeable is that all these features are not provided by HootSuite, thus making RecurPost its best free alternative.

Another amazing platform providing features of comprehensive social media management, eClincher is quite known for its publishing, reporting, and monitoring capabilities. It has plans available for all types of business ranging from small to enterprise levels. It is a good HootSuite alternative because of the following features:

  • Visual calendar and scheduler
  • Auto-post with smart queues
  • RSS feeds
  • Link shortener and tracking
  • Social inbox and engagement 
  • Monitoring & Listening Feeds
  • Advanced analytics and reporting

With eClincher, you can get a 14-day free trial period, after which you need to choose a paid plan. The base subscription starts at $59/month.

Buffer is a cloud-based social media scheduling tool for small and medium-sized companies. It allows users to schedule social media updates, build and delegate tasks to their team, and monitor performance metrics in real-time. Buffer has an easy to use interface and lets you schedule the same message across social media channels at the same time. Below are some of its features:

  • Create custom schedules
  • Advanced editorial calendar
  • Chrome browser extension
  • Track social media performance
  • Schedule retweets
  • RSS feeds
  • Team management

Apart from a free trial, buffer has pricing plans starting from $15/month, which is suitable for individual social media managers and makes for one of the ideal Hootsuite alternatives. Its plans are categorized into 2 types - Publish and analyze. The analyze plans start from $35/month and offer some additional features of social media analytics.

OneUp is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule and repeat your posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google My Business. When you want to manage accounts of multiple clients, you can create categories to group accounts together, then organize and filter posts by those categories. While using OneUp, you’ll get access to the following features:

  • Bulk scheduling
  • Content categorization
  • Google Chrome plugin
  • Support for adding team members
  • URL shortener
  • Bulk upload through CSV files
  • Content recycling

OneUp offers a free trial of 7 days. Its basic plan is priced at $12/month, which offers to manage 3 social accounts. Thus, if you are a small business in the need to manage social sites, OneUp can be a good alternative to HootSuite.

Just like HootSuite, Promo Republic offers management of 5 social platforms - Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. It mainly focuses on providing plans for large enterprises but also has plans available for small and medium businesses. You’ll get the following features while using Promo Republic:

  • Content organizer
  • Social media calendar
  • White label reports
  • Multi-user support
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Automated publishing
  • Brand tracking

Promo republic offers two pricing plans - Standard and Professional. The standard one is for small businesses and is priced at $49/month, while the professional plan is for large enterprises and costs $99/month.

To sum up,

If you have considered Hootsuite for your company on the basis of its popularity, it is critical to determine whether the tool would give you the desired return on money invested or not. Despite having a high rating, the free version of HootSuite has very limited features and is not suitable especially for startups and small businesses

There are a lot of tools like HootSuite that can fulfill your unique needs, like the ones listed above. Before deciding on HootSuite, you can safely consider the above alternatives and choose the right tool for your brand. Check the features that you’d wish for a social media scheduling tool to offer, compare the pricing and your budgets, and have a look at the reviews to find the right fit!

How to Make Engaging Posts For Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Want to make engaging and unique posts for your social media sites but struggling, Right?

No worries. We are here for you. We know that managing the social media strategy is sometimes challenging. Remember that every social media platform is different, so the posts will also be different because there is a different purpose being served by every platform.

For example, Facebook is known for connecting with friends & family, the vibes in Facebook are more vibrant. Whereas Twitter is majorly for news or political updates. And LinkedIn is renowned for its professionalism, where companies can connect with the people.

These social media sites have immense potential. They all have the capability to make your post viral, take your voice to those it needs, and help makes your future better. Only when used correctly.

Stick with us till the end. We are going to show some useful hacks to make engaging posts for all these platforms.


  • Whenever you write the caption then create it in a way that is easily understood by the audience. Use symbols and emojis so you can easily convey your message and make the writeup more personal.
  • Another pro tip is not to use more than 5 words in the Facebook Ad headline. Keep your message between 50-80 characters. Otherwise, users have to expand the texts and it will be time-consuming for them.
  • Always use the ideal size for image posts, posts with image links, and stories. Sizes do matter in terms of catching the attention of users.
  • DO include kinds of media formats in your posts like blog links, GIFs, etc. Moreover, focus on native videos that are shorter and under a minute.
  • Whatever you post should be educational and informative because you are competing with thousands of other brands for exposure.


  • The second most powerful platform is Twitter. But do not use a ton of and unrelated hashtags to make users scroll down their feed. It is advisable not to use more than two or three hashtags in your post.
  • Using GIFs can increase your tweet’s engagement to the next level. You can use GIFs for almost anything like motivational quotes, funny reactions, slideshows, insightful content, and much more.
  • Why don’t you mention others in your posts? Mention people in your tweets and they would be tempted to engage with it along with their followers. Share content that is put out by influencers, do mention experts, and tag employees when talking about an office activity.
  • Never forget to use the ideal sizes that are recommended for Twitter. Such as Square image (440 x 220), max four images at one time. 


  • LinkedIn is a professional network. Share online the type of information you would share with a colleague at work. If you are a healthcare professional, consider sharing articles about the industry or new medical products and procedures.
  • the title is the most vital part of the content on LinkedIn. Add something specific, new, and unique, that tempts the readers to check out the entire post. In order to reach individuals who do not know you, a great title is especially necessary.
  • Align the content with your work, and build your brand. Focus on the quality of the content, and demonstrate your professional expertise by adding a couple of sentences of insight along with the article.
  • Also, use the recommended sizes for the Linkedin posts. The appropriate file format for images is JPNG, JPG, or GIF.

Craft and schedule engaging posts with RecurPost

Knowing your requirements for customizing engaging posts for different social platforms, RecurPost, a social media scheduling tool, helps you create and schedule posts for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Craft out posts, use emojis, insert hashtags, add videos and images, and see the preview of how your posts will look on each platform. 

With the feature of ‘Auto-schedule for best time within next 24 hours’, RecurPost will find out the best time to upload your content when your audience is active on social media platforms. This way, your posts will gain maximum likes, comments, and shares. Click here to sign up for the free plan and checkout the tool now!

The Best Time To Post on Twitter for Gaining Maximum Engagement Levels

Imagine eliminating any guesswork while scheduling your tweets, understanding the best time to experiment with tweeting for maximum clicks, and maximum interaction. Twitter is a fast-paced social media site that needs you to consider more than just what you're tweeting. The time at which you upload your tweets is very critical. You can also schedule tweets in advance. In order to get the best engagement for the Tweets you’re lining up in your content strategy, you need to know when to post on Twitter so that your content gets your audience’s full attention. 

Thus, we have made this list which will let you know the best time to tweet according to the industry that you’re in.

  • Best time to tweet for media

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 4 PM

Best day: Thursday and Friday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for consumer goods

Best time: Saturday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Sunday

Worst day: Monday and Thursday

  • Best time to tweet for technical businesses

Best time: Tuesday to Friday - 7 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Tuesday and Wednesday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for financial businesses

Best time: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday - 8 AM to 5 PM

Best day: Tuesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for the education sector

Best time: Wednesday and Saturday - 8 AM to 9 PM

Best day: Saturday

Worst day: Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for healthcare sector

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 3 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

  • Best time to tweet for Non-profit sector

Best time: Wednesday to Friday - 7 AM to 2 PM

Best day: Wednesday

Worst day: Saturday

  • Best time to tweet for recreation

Best time: Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 1 PM

Best day: Friday

Worst day: Saturday and Sunday

Look at the other studies

How to find your best time to post on Twitter?

  • Dig into your Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics offers you a full rundown of your Tweet views, profile visits, and other factors of interaction. You can utilize twitter analytics to monitor your success over time and create new posting techniques along the way. Also by using twitter advanced search you find performance of certain hashtags, find potential customers , target audience and many more.

  • Test out different posts timings using a Twitter scheduling tool

Unlike Facebook analytics, twitter doesn’t directly tell you the best time to post. But also, as discussed above, it gives you ample knowledge to find the best time by trial and error. Just break down your experiments over a period of one month. Each day of this month, post your tweets in the morning, noon, and evening at a specific set of times. Now, this seems to be a tedious job and that is where a social media scheduler such as RecurPost comes to your rescue.

RecurPost lets you plan your tweets ahead of time and automatically post them on the time and date that you have selected. Same can be done for Facebook by Recurpost facebook post scheduler also. So this automated scheduling and posting method lets you play with various time slots without any problems. Apart from that, RecurPost studies your engagement levels received on tweets and then recommends you the best time to post on Instagram as well as Twitter. You just need to auto-schedule for the best time and RecurPost’s AI will take care of the rest. It is one of the best HootSuite alternatives available at an affordable price.

Summing up,

Sending your tweets out at the peak times will not only help you connect with your audience, but will also eventually help you get in the sights of other promising prospects. Take inspiration from general popular time, analyze your own statistics in twitter analytics, and use social media scheduling tools like RecurPost to post on best times. Sign up for a free account now and level-up your Twitter marketing game! 

You can not only schedule tweets, but also schedule facebook posts, schedule linkedin posts, and schedule instagram posts

Visit : https://recurpost.com/blog/best-time-to-tweet/

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The best Twitter Post Scheduler and automation tool by RecurPost

Even though Twitter has introduced an algorithm to its timeline, most of the tweets we see on our timelines are still displayed reverse-chronologically. This means that tweeting at the right times can help you reach and engage more followers. Also, Twitter is a fleeting platform that demands tweeting at least 3-4 times a day in order to appear continuously in your audience’s feeds. 

But as social media managers, you most likely don’t have the time to wait around and tweet at specific times of the day. Here’s where scheduling tweets come into play. A Twitter post scheduler is literally a boon for social media marketers who struggle to manage their time and can’t keep up with the number of posting schedules. 

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that helps schedule tweets in bulk in advance. Using it, you will be able to plan and schedule hundreds of tweets beforehand and stop worrying about posting in real-time. 

Let’s have a look at the features that you’ll be able to access using RecurPost’s Twitter post scheduler.

Benefits of using RecurPost’s Twitter post scheduler

  • Ensure quality and consistency

When you plan in advance using RecurPost, you can better stick with your social media strategy than tweeting on the spot every time. For example, you could plan and schedule all your tweets for the week every Monday. By batching the content creation tasks together, you can create better content and be more productive.

You have the opportunity to create a consistent posting schedule where there’s no risk of forgetting to send out a Tweet at a certain time. So feel comfortable knowing you can publish your Tweets based on your pre-planned schedule, whether it’s around a specific campaign or seasonal content.

  • Auto-schedule for the best time to tweet

In order to get the maximum interaction and engagement on your tweets, you need to figure out the best time to tweet a post, i.e, the time when your target audience is the most active and actively scrolling Twitter. Finding the best times manually can be very time-consuming. 

RecurPost can help out here with its amazing feature of ‘Auto-schedule for best time.’ When you select this option while scheduling, RecurPost will automatically figure out the best time to post and schedule your tweets accordingly. Thus, you can ensure that your content will reach the maximum people and gain optimum likes and comments.

Look at the other studies

  • Promote your blogs

Twitter is a great place to promote your blogs and drive traffic to your website. Everytime you upload a blog, if you manually share it on your Twitter account, RecurPost will ease out the process. 

Through the RSS feed feature, you can simply connect your blog to RecurPost and create a schedule. By doing this, everytime a blog goes live on your website, it will automatically be shared on your Twitter account. 

  • Create tweet variations

Twitter does not allow repeated posting of the same Tweets. That means, once you have posted a Tweet, you cannot upload the exact same Tweet again. You need to tweak the message and modify it in order to post it again on your profile. But don’t worry, RecurPost has a way around this limitation.  Check out the article on twitter advanced search.

RecurPost’s Twitter automation tool helps you in creating Tweet variations automatically, so you can keep the same idea of your Tweet while still posting it recurringly. Isn’t that amazing? Half of your Twitter’s content creating efforts will be taken care of by RecurPost.

  • Manage DMs and mentions through the social inbox

Do you open up Twitter to reply to DMs and then get distracted by the tweets on your feed? How about having a social media scheduler that eliminates your need to open up Twitter to reply to DMs or check notifications? RecurPost offers a social inbox which is a platform where all your important social media notifications appear in a single dashboard. 

It allows you to manage notifications from all social media sites from a single place. It enables you to watch all your chats, mentions, comments, and conversations, and take action on them. All your Twitter DMs, mentions, and notifications can be managed from a single place, along with scheduling.

  • Measure the performance of your tweets

When you post consistently on the platform, you should also keep a check on how your tweets are performing. It will help you get an idea of what’s working and what’s not. While using RecurPost, you will get access to in-depth analytics related to your Twitter account. 

In the advanced analytics section, you’ll find out your top-performing posts. This way, you’ll also learn about your audience’s interests and will be able to interact with them in a better manner. You can also have a look at their demographics, including their gender, age group, location, etc. Moreover, you can download all these reports and white-label them for professional use. 

  • Invite team members to manage your tweets

If you have a team who manages your social media accounts, RecurPost will help you a lot. Without sharing any credentials of your account, you can invite your team members to manage them. Your team members will be able to schedule or edit tweets on your behalf.

You can also assign them notifications from social inbox to work on. What’s more, you can give them access to selected social accounts, ensuring that a person works only on the concerned social account.

Visit: https://recurpost.com/schedule-tweets


Along with scheduling posts on Twitter, you can also use RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, LinkedIn post scheduler, Instagram post scheduler, and Google My Business post scheduler. Take the 14-day free trial today and check out on your own! 

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Looking for some motivation to make a triumphant Instagram video? There are in excess of 95 million photographs and recordings posted each day on the application gathering over 4.2 billion 'likes'.

With such countless drawing in pictures and recordings requesting consideration, it very well may be an extreme rivalry to hang out in your crowd's Instagram feed.

To get clients effectively engaged with your image, an online media advertising tip is to make recordings regardless of as Instagram Stories or Reels.

Recordings are more viable in drawing in clients on the web-based media stage, with Instagram revealing a normal of 150 remarks on video posts while picture posts just see a normal of 65 remarks.

So how would you do it right? How about we check out eight instagram pictures ideas thoughts alongside genuine brand models that you can take motivation from.

Catch consideration with circle recordings

Instagram recordings don't need to be long to be successful. Having only 15 seconds to play with, you can utilize a circle video, boomerang, or even GIFs to make yourself clear twice or threefold.

This video thought was innovatively completed by reflection and health application Calm, as it utilizes circling recordings to lead its adherents into miniature contemplation.

Another incredible model is from Google with this entrancing and strangely fulfilling small scale golf circling video, which we wound up looking for over 15 seconds.

A fast way to create circle recordings is to ensure you have an incredible snare in the initial 3 seconds of your video.

Associate with narrating

Now and then, we are so flooded with brand informing that we fail to remember Instagram is the place where clients go to get outwardly motivated.

To expand commitment rates, your Instagram video doesn't generally need to feature your items. You want to turn into a narrator all things being equal. Grow your brand awareness by educating the audience what your business upto.

No one does this better than Red Bull. The brand advances an engaging "lifestyle" and their Instagram recordings reflect only that by posting fantastic recordings of outrageous games, including skating to cruiser stunts.

Through these recordings, Red Bull has effectively underscored its image's worth while pulling in potential clients who love an adrenaline second.

Teach with how-to instructional videos

There is consistently an interest for how-to instructional exercise recordings, and they can be the best apparatus with regards to motivating commitment and changing over clients. Content marketing strategies are required to share video with your audience.

Simply take Sephora, for instance. Working in the magnificence business, the organization shares cosmetics instructional exercises on IGTV highlighting its items.

As well as instructing clients on how they can utilize your items, you can likewise cause adherents to get eager to check the item out.

So ponder what sort of instructional exercises your devotees are searching for and make a great video with speedy and simple to-execute guidelines highlighting your item.

Tease about your forthcoming launch

Mystery recordings are incredible for advancing impending occasions or the starting of new items.

By sharing a look into some astonishing parts, it escalates the promotion and energy encompassing your new item or administration. Supporters will begin expecting it before it is even accessible.

An illustration of a fruitful mystery video is from a well known Columbus ice creamery called Jeni's Ice Creams.

Rather than sharing the standard food pornography symbolism, you'd anticipate from food marks, the brand delivered an interesting and engaging video highlighting Colombian residents attempting to articulate the precarious German name of their prospective dispatch frozen yogurt.Prepare, it's called… Feuerzangenbowle.

Work with the right powerhouses

Force to be reckoned with showcasing is certifiably not another idea, however it is most certainly successful as far as commitment.

When working with a powerhouse, it's vital to observe a character that matches your image. Don't simply check out their number of supporters, yet additionally think about commitment measurements, like the quantity of remarks, remarks quality, and normal perspectives per post.

Discussing fruitful matches, we will forever recollect the movement envy feeling when watching this wonderful video by movement force to be reckoned with Jack Morris in the #SevenUrbanWonders lobby that spotlights Tokyo city life and Hilton's extravagance resorts.

Force to be reckoned with advertising

Done right and you won't just gander at expanded commitment, yet better brand mindfulness, increment supporters, and furthermore new business leads.

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Show what occurs in the background

In the background video content is an extraordinary method for building a more close to home relationship with your crowd. By acquainting secondary passage access with your image activities, you can make a more real and close association with your adherents.

Cargo handling may not sound especially fascinating, yet General Electric has made it work by taking clients in the background in this 15 seconds video.

The organization astutely summed up its 24-hour activities utilizing time-slip by with the last edge welcoming clients to visit ge.com to find out additional.

Some other behind-the-scene video thoughts you can consider:

An individual visit to perceive how and where your items are made

Presenting individuals behind the brand and item

Extraordinary organization capacities or brand occasions

A commonplace working day in the existence of your worker

Energize user created content

Probably the best Instagram recordings are made by your adherents. This is on the grounds that nothing fabricates trust in another crowd like seeing others partaking in your administration or item.

Boucleme, an organization that makes items for wavy hair, tracked down a sharp method for sharing their client's underwriting.

Not exclusively does the video grandstand positive criticism from the client, however it likewise shows the prescribed procedures on how you can utilize their item to get similar extraordinary outcomes!

With regards to launching your UGC crusade, a tip is to be careful about improving your hashtags. Make your hashtags too nonexclusive like #hair or #fashion, and your substance will suffocate in with a huge number of others.

All things being equal, utilize a blend of moving and industry-explicit hashtags to find the best hashtag you can interface with your designated devotees.

Have an AMA meeting

AMA means "Ask me anything" and it is an extraordinary chance for brands to connect straightforwardly with their adherents.

The video thought is basic. Make a post requesting inquiries from your supporters and respond to them! However most brands utilize this as a chance to sell their items with promoting, clothing retail organization Everlane sells the actual organization.

By dispatching a Transparency Tuesdays video crusade utilizing Instagram Reel, Everlane permits clients and supporters to send in questions and have them addressed by the brand.

By being straightforward with regards to their business and cycles, the organization builds up entrust with shoppers and observes clients who line up with their own qualities.This Instagram video thought is particularly incredible for individual marking and is reasonable for a brand representative or for the people who need to lay down a good foundation for themselves as a suspected forerunner in an industry.


All things considered, Instagram resembles a fresh start for you to communicate your image's character.

Regardless of whether that is posting an instructive video, sneak looks about your most recent item, or showing an alternate side of your image with narrating, you need to design out an innovative Instagram video thought that is fitting for your image.

Finally, recall that the best Instagram recordings are those that success clients, so consistently incorporate a solid source of inspiration toward the finish of your drawing in content to get your crowd to share and find out additional.

To know more visit https://www.followedapp.com/8-creative-instagram-video-ideas-to-increase-engagement/